Valentines Story.

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Feb 3 2013, Im single, It's a big problem for valentines, I'll enjoy it single, AGAIN! xD

Nothing really new, Just exams and Single ness, xD

Everyday, I look up and pray. Just to think,When Will I be able to love again.

Which reminds me of a dream that I had for two days straight.

I was running, fast, breathing heavily.

Nearly suffocating, and tired from running, I feel. Breathing heavily. 

Then A girl, I dont know whom, Helped me up, She was very pretty. I never met her actually, she helped me. Asking me.

Are you okay? -Her

Im fine..-Me

I suddenly blushed, I dont know why, She had a very beautiful smile, Which attracted me.

Then I suddenly changed mind, And after resting, Due to my condition.I was sent to the hospital, she said "Bye, this is the last time we'll ever meet"

That made me sad, I was sent to an operation room, Cause I had Asthma, and Heart cancer (Remember this is my dream)

I was crying, I died for 30 seconds, my doctor said, And In that thirty seconds, I saw Angels and they smiled, then a voice said,  It's not yet your time, You will return.

I was shocked when I heard it.

I woke up, that was day one of my dream, On the second day I dreamt and it was a long time.

Valentines day arrived. I was holding a girl's hand, She kissed me on the cheek, (Which is not true) I felt like I was paralyzed. Then she "broke" My heart. I was in pain, so I layed down on the floor, With tears falling from my face. Then, She appeard, You know who "she" Is, I mentioned her in the past stories. I dont know why, but We lay down on the grass next to each other, staring at the sunset. She asked me if I was fine, I said Yeah.. but not really. Then she said. Don't worry, Im here for you as a friend, I smiled. then I had happy tears, and She suddenly hugged me, I blushed. Saying..

"Thank you.. I'm glad that we're friends" :')

Everynight, I always wished that was true.


What do you think? :)

Do you think It was great? Sorry for a short chapter though. Weird, Thats all I have to share :)

Anyways, Thanks for reading! I love you guys! :D

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