Gypsy Magic At Hidden Star House - The Magic Awakens.

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It was one of the coldest winters that Keziah could remember and instead of spending it at home with her parents curled up In front of their flickering log fire eating mince pies, she had been sent to stay with her grandparents in their ancient rather mysterious house. She tried not to resent this as she knew that going away together on holiday by themselves was very important to her parents as they were stressed and overworked. She knew really that her grandparents were good fun and Christmas with them would be a time of wonder and magic. As she began packing for her visit Keziah thought about the last time she had been to stay at Hidden Star House. Which was the mysterious name of the curious old house that her grandparents Charles and Eliza lived in. She had spent most of her time exploring it and wandering down its long, cluttered hallways which revealed lots of old abandoned and unused rooms. In these rooms there were cupboards bursting at the brim which revealed all sorts of old forgotten treasures. Such as dusty books, beautiful clothes that hadnt been worn for decades and broken wooden toys from another time. Yet the most interesting items were Grandma Elizas old diaries that she had written when she was younger. These were fascinating to read as they were full of her hopes, dreams, adventures and deepest secrets.

Keziah zipped up her new pink suitcase and turned to look into her silver ornate dressing table mirror. Her thoughtful reflection stared back at her as she critiqued her appearance which she always believed to be plain and dull. Alabaster porcelain white complexion, long straight dark hair, small curealen blue eyes which seemed to have lost their sparkle lately. Also a perfect button nose and a very slender, slight figure. She was also a well behaved, intelligent, artistic, grade A college student. I'm just the sort of person nothing exciting or interesting ever happens to, she thought with a deep, despondant sigh. Her parents were complete opposites, her mother Angel was a lively, free spirited woman with a strong interest in white magic and paranormal mysteries whereas her father Aregwn was a quiet and shy person who liked to keep to himself. Keziah felt she was definitely more like her father though she longed to be more like her mother who had varied interests and was extremely creative. Keziah was suddenly jolted from her reverie of thoughts by her mother Angel calling for her to come to the awaiting car for the long journey to Hidden Star House where her grandparents awaited her. Though she had a sudden strange feeling that the curious old house was waiting for her too! She opened the creaky old front door and walked out into the bitingly cold winter air and got into their blue volvo ready for the long journey ahead. The purr of the engine and the motion of the car soon lulled her to sleep so that time seemed to pass very quickly. Before she knew it she had awoken and cleared the sleep from her eyes to find that they had arrived in the quaint little village where her grandparents lived. Soon the magnificent Hidden Star House came into view. It was a large house, almost on a grand scale like a country mansion. With ivy climbing and crawling up its grey brick façade and a high slanting red tiled roof with a turret on each side with a round window in. The attic rooms in the turrets had once been the servants quarters many moons ago and were still full of rickety furniture and garments from the olden days. Unfortunately due to some broken floorboards up in the attics, the turret rooms were always kept locked. Much to her disappointment Keziah had never been able to explore up there. Keziah clambered stiffly out of the car, then fetched her suitcase from the boot. Her mother Angel was already at the front door of Hidden Star House and had lifted up the rather impressive big brass knocker in the shape of a horse shoe and knocked loudly. The sound of the big brass knocker against the very ornately carved front door seemed to echo around them and was almost quite tuneful. Not long after the heavy wooden door swung open with a deafening creak to reveal a plump, curly haired, rosy looking woman adorned with lots of silver jewellery. She was Grandmother Eliza and she gave them an enormous beaming smile in welcome and then wrapped her arms around Keziah and hugged her tightly. When her grandmother had reluctantly released her from the hug and all the affectionate greetings were over they went through the open door and into the mysterious Hidden Star House. Grandmother Eliza took them straight into the large kitchen which was full of pine cupboards, a long table that groaned under the weight of dishes full of different aromatic herbs and spices, an old fashioned range cooker, copper saucepans hanging from hooks on the high beamed ceiling and bulbs of onions and garlic trailing from cupboard handles which gave the kitchen an almost French country ambience. Keziah knew the time to say goodbye to her parents had come and her heart sank a little knowing she wouldn't see them for several weeks. A small tear began to escape from her right eye and roll slowly down her pale complexion but with a lightning fast reaction she reached up and wiped it away before anyone noticed. She didn't want her parents to feel guilty about going away without her so she hugged them both very tightly and said her farewells.

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