Gypsy Magic at Hidden Star House - 'Starshine Strategies. '

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Rionnaglas had laid an enormous old map of the kingdom out on a large wooden table in the castle grounds. He had also taken some golden star shaped marking stones out of his mysterious blue leather bag and placed them on the table too. He stood up straight, coughed loudly and announced that the combat planning against Belezebour was going to be called code name - 'Starshine Strategies'.
Another couple of the scouts who were in employ to the realm were on their way back to the castle to relay their latest sightings of Belezebour. Sir Dayfindor had gone to the stables to tack up his majestic mount who was a beautiful graceful bay horse called 'Tygor Hawke '. Tygor Hawke was a noble thoroughbred cross cob stallion who had the speed and agility of a thoroughbred racehorse mixed with the sturdier build of a cob. Having the sturdier build meant he was better able to carry an armored knight yet he was still fast enough to gallop into battle and out run most enemies.
Sir Dayfindor felt slightly concerned for suddenly Tygor Hawke had begun to act strangely. He was restless, fretting, tossing his head from side to side and chafing at his bit. Then he began pawing at the ground, stamping his front hooves and neighing wildly. His odd behaviour seemed to be contagious because the other horses in the stables began playing up too.
Sir Dayfindor rushed from out the stable yard, into the castle grounds and climbed stealthily up a look out post. Once up the top he looked upwards, his eyes scanning the skies for any signs of danger. He knew that horses had a very keen sense of smell and wondered if they had smelled something that had alarmed them. One of the things that made Sir Dayfindor such an excellent knight was that all his senses were very sharp. His eyesight was phenomenal with his clear greenish blue eyes that could see for miles around into the distance. Almost instantaneously he spotted Belezebour the evil dragon in flight in the distance and heading in the direction of the castle of Zellorgaroth. Like a true predator he prowled the skys, silently stalking them and completely unaware that his presence had been noticed. He certainly had not counted on the fact that the sensitive horses had smelt his putrid scent and thus alerted Sir Dayfindor to his location. The horses were highly sensitive animals who were well tuned into their surroundings and as such could quickly give an indication to something being amiss. Princess Divinia had a graceful strawberry roan Anglo Arab mare as a steed whose name was Royal Ruby Flame. Rionnaglas also had a noble steed gifted to him by the King, but his was an Akhal-Teke  stallion whose golden coat glistened like a thousand stars and who was named Starlight Skymist.
Rionnaglas had gone back to the stables to try and calm the horses down. Aswell as him having the ability to be able to summon dragons he also was able to communicate with all the other animals and creatures that resided in the kingdom of Zellorgaroth. He knew innately a special way to instill calm and confidence into the horses by breathing gently into their nostrils. This was a way of calming and taming horses called 'horse whispering'.
He found that the horses responded almost instantly to this way of him calming their anxiety, they snorted and whickered happily and rested their heads in his hands. He decided to tack up both his steed Starlight Skymist, Sir Dayfindor's steed Tygor Hawke and Princess Divinia's steed Royal Ruby Flame. In Zellorgaroth horses bridles and saddles were called slightly different names from our own world. Saddles were known as 'seaters' and bridles were known as 'Holdeners'.
Rionnaglas ran a quick curry comb and brush over each of the horses before placing special long numnahs with the castles flag on  underneath each horses seater and then putting their holdeners on. He sprang lithely up onto Starlight Skymist's back, sitting firmly on the seater and carefully took up his reins, next he rode to between where Tygor Hawke and Royal Ruby Flame were standing tacked up in the paddock and looped each of their leading reins onto each of his arms and then squeezed Starlight Skymist sides gently with his calves to urge him to walk on and quickly rode him out onto the castles grounds leading the other two horses.
He drew a deep breath and whistled sharply inhaling the cold air into his lungs as he did so. Luckily his whistle was loud enough to attract the attention of Sir Dayfindor and Princess Divina both of whom came running up to him and their horses almost immediately. Sir Dayfindor was extremely glad that Rionnaglas had had the foresight to tack up their horses and bring them to them, particularly as it was looking as though the battle against the evil dragon Belezebour was set to commence any given moment. Sir Dayfindor soon made sure that all three of them were more suitably dressed for going into battle by making sure that both himself and Rionnaglas were armored up in their exceptionally strong suits of armor with the appropriate weaponry and that the Princess Divinia was given a much lighter but still very strong suit of armor that would protect her from the flames and talons of Belezebour the evil dragon. One of castles messengers had already gone to send word and prepare the other knights of the realm for the impending battle as there needed to be a fair sized army to fight alongside Sir Dayfindor, Rionnaglas and Princess Divinia to hopefully secure a victory for the kingdom of Zellorgaroth. Sir Dayfindor was exceptionally glad that he had managed to find his old friend Rionnaglas who was a former knight of the realm for not only had he immensely enjoyed being in his company again but he was convinced that his ability to communicate with the creatures of the kingdom would be likely to be necessary for their own survival and victory.
The four good dragons had been waiting patiently in the castle grounds and had been making use of the castles moat to quench their thirst and to refresh their scales by bathing in it. They soon became alert when they suddenly heard a tuneful whistling sound which had magic mixed into every note coming from the air straight towards them. The magical whistling message was sent by the only one in the kingdom who could communicate like that with the dragons and other creatures of the realm, the only one with those special magical abilities- Rionnaglas. Gorscinda, Zatas, Sefarena and Vidakez all stretched their long leathery wings and flew the short distance to where Sir Dayfindor, Rionnaglas, Princess Divinia and the army were assembled together. They had all started to feel quite nervous as Belezebour the evil dragon was a fairly fast flyer and was very nearly upon them. Princess Divinia had never experienced a battle before and her heart was thumping so loudly with anxiety that she felt worried it would burst. Sir Dayfindor noticed the look of fear in her eyes and tried to comfort and reassure her. It was extremely unusual for a Princess to fight in battle for the kingdom. Though it was because  her parents The King and Queen were away settling disputes in the neighbouring kingdom of Rothzennloren and as the King was unable to fight she had valiantly decided to take his place. Princess Divinia's feline changeling the majestic black panther 'Mystery' was also now at her side again and prepared to fight heroically to  protect the Princess and the kingdom.  Mystery's black satin coat reflected the light of the suns rays into a prism of a myriad of different colours that illuminated his shadow with an iridescent rainbow. He yawned sleepily and opened his fierce some looking jaws wide, showing each of his pearly white and razor sharp fangs. He stretched his large paws forward and then unfurled his long talon like claws raking the ground sharply as he did so. His long whip like tail was another weapon that he could utilise in a battle against an enemy. He was as loyal to the Princess Divinia and her Royal realm as anyone ever could be including Sir Dayfindor, Rionnaglas and the four good dragons of the north. He had never experienced a battle against such a formidable foe as Belezebour the evil dragon though and he growled nervously in anticipation of the fight. The Princess Divinia heard his low nervous growl and leaned down from her noble steed Royal Ruby flame to pat him on his head and to whisper words of comfort and reassurance to him.
The dashing Sir Dayfindor began to check his weapons over and get his silver and emerald sword unsheathed and ready, hopefully for him to slay the terrible evil dragon who was a beast of cruelty and injustice.
It wasn't long before the horses began to act agitated again and a look skywards confirmed the reason why. Belezebour the evil dragon was flying on a direct path towards them, the air was thick with his putrid odor and the beating of his large leathery wings sent small rumbles of thunderous noise that shook the very earth beneath him. Every so often he would turn his fiercesome head from side to side and  send fiery flames of destruction reeling across the land decimating anything in their path. This included some of the forest land that was home to the spiritually powerful Eagelore Tribe who had evacuated themselves from their tent like residences and ran as fast as they were able towards the castle.
Sir Dayfindor stood up in his stirrups and turned to face the assembled army of both humans and fantastical creatures and gave the war cry of ' CHARGE' in a loud, deep booming voice that echoed through the air. The brave handsomely rugged Rionnaglas and the nervous Princess Divinia both galloped forward on their noble steeds the minute that Sir Dayfindor gave the charge command. The beautiful bay horse Tygor Hawke belonging to Sir Dayfindor also sprung forward when his rider gave the charge command. The three courageous steeds galloped so close together that their riders hoped that Belezebour would be confused by this formidable equine force of speed that could outrun even his winged velocity.
The four good dragons of the northern mountains had all taken to flight when they heard the charge command and were flying directly towards Belezebour with only courage beating in their hearts and not one single ounce of cowardice. Gorscinda the largest of the good dragons was the first to attempt an attack on the evil dragon Belezebour by flying in a direct dive bombing motion with his talon like claws outstretched hoping to wound him or bring him down by catching onto his scaly chest with them and piercing his scales or causing him to fall from his great height in the skies. Though despite Gorscinda's great bravery his attack upon Belezebour wasn't at all successful and Belezebour was able to defend himself with a fierce some burst of  red and black fiery flames that were so violent they caused Gorscinda to fall out of the sky. Gorscinda felt himself tumbling downwards and crashing earthward with such a speed that he knocked his head badly on the ground and broke one of his horns. He reeled with dizziness and shook his head from side to side sending shards of his broken left horn flying in all directions. Fortunately despite the injury to his left horn and being very badly shaken, he had managed to withstand the dreadful heat of Belezebour's flame attack and his own leathery scaly hide had protected him from it. He strongly desired to fly skywards once more and attempt another attack on Belezebour but Zatas had already ascended the sky and was challenging the evil dragon himself.
Gorscinda sat back on his hunches and breathed a large sigh of fiery sadness, he felt ashamed that he had been beaten so easily and had a sharp pain emanating from his broken left horn. He closed his eyes for a minute and a huge tear rolled down his scaly face and made a loud splash upon the dry ground. Suddenly he felt a heavy thumping tap on his scaly shoulder and opened his deep dragon eyes to find Mystery the black panther standing in front of him with one huge paw outstretched. Mystery had certain mysterious powers of his own and healing was one of those powers. Mystery was able to heal Gorscinda's broken horn by tapping it with his outstretched paw and he was also able to make his pain disappear by circling him and using his whip like tail to draw a healing circle on the ground around him. Gorscinda was amazed to find that his pain had truly vanished and even more astounded to find that his shattered left horn was whole once more thanks to Mystery's marvellous healing powers. Zatas had decided that his battle plan would be to try and drive Belezebour downwards from the sky and earthwards instead towards where Sir Dayfindor, Rionnaglas, Princess Divinia and the assembled army were awaiting. Despite only having one eye Zatas was a stealthy and speedy flier and managed to fly rings around Belezebour who found it threw him off kilter and did indeed drive him downwards. Sir Dayfindor stood up higher in his stirrups and lead the charge towards their falling enemy the evil dragon Belezebour. He held his emerald and silver sword aloft as he galloped ready to attack. On his right hand side Rionnaglas on his steed Starlight Skymist blinked his crystal clear blue eyes and drew his stunning silver and sapphire sword, he also stood up in his stirrups waiting valiantly to face their foe. He was quite a bit shorter then Sir Dayfindor but he was a skilled rider and warrior and had been one of the most important knights of the realm before he went away. Now that he was back he was determined to do his upmost to defend the kingdom and of course the beautiful Princess Divinia whom he would protect at all cost. This was because she made him feel a true and deep love that he had never felt before just by simply being herself.
The brutish evil dragon Belezebour was unable to stop himself from falling swiftly downwards despite trying to turn himself around mid fall by flapping his gigantic leathery wings and using his arrow shaped tail to help correct his balance. He was instead plummeting towards the ground at a tremendous speed and coughing great plumes of thick dark smoke from his nostrils as he did so. Both the dashing Sir Dayfindor and the handsome rugged Rionnaglas were ready waiting to attack the falling dragon. Suddenly and without warning Rionnaglas lunged forward on his horse and managed to plunge his stunning silver and sapphire sword into Belezebour's chest. His sword was so well smithed that it was incredibly strong and could even pierce a dragons scaly hide. Belezebour had let out an earth shattering piercing shriek when he was struck by Rionnaglas's sword and a copious amount of foul smelling black blood had poured from the wound. Once the dragon's foul blood hit the earth it bubbled up like lava and acted like a corrosive substance eating a huge hole into the ground. It didn't damage Rionnaglas's  stunning sword though because it was smelted of the finest silver and titanium and was certainly dragon proof. 
Although Sir Dayfindor and Rionnaglas were both aghast and astonished to see that Belezebour's wound had healed up right in front of them and that he seemed absolutely fine. Rionnaglas felt a pang of despair and failure after seeing his valiant effort to slay Belezebour thwarted by the enemy dragon's self healing powers. He knew it was essential that they find some way to make the undertaking of CODE NAME :- 'Starshine Strategies' a heroic success. He felt sweat pouring from his forehead underneath his helmet and opened his visor to attempt to dry it off with a cloth he had in his saddlebag.
After the attack by Rionnaglas Belezebour had started to regain his strength and balance as well as healing himself. Sir Dayfindor noticed this and signalled for some of the assembled army to fall in close behind him while he tried to fight the evil dragon. Being much taller then Rionnaglas he was able while standing in his stirrups on his steed Tygor Hawke to reach Belezebour with his sword before the enemy dragon alighted higher into the sky. His emerald and silver sword glinted in the sunlight as he held it aloft, firstly above his head and then with a great booming cry of 'atttaccckkkk ' he struck Belezebour a mighty blow on his side. This made the evil dragon become unsteady once more while the archers in the assembled army hit him with a flurry of arrows. The arrows all found their target and caused dents and wounds in Belezebour's scaly hide. He also began plummeting earthwards again only this time he unfortunately caught Sir Dayfindor with his talon like claws as he fell knocking him from off Tygor Hawke's back. Sir Dayfindor managed to curl himself up into a ball while he was falling off his horse so that when he hit the ground he was slightly better protected then he would have been. His armour gave him some protection too and he found that he managed to escape his fall without much injury and only a few bruises. He had hit the ground at about the same time as the evil dragon Belezebour had only the latter crashed heavily into it causing a dragon shaped crater. Belezebour did sustain some injury but hardly any considering the battle that was being fought against him. His left wing had been left slightly crooked and quite a few of his scales were now missing but it wasn't long before he was back on his feet and as formidable as ever. He gave a deafening angry snarling roar and would have caught Sir Dayfindor a tremendous blow with his long arrow shaped tail if the quick thinking Rionnaglas hadn't lent down and pulled him out of fiercesome beasts way.
Princess Divinia felt as though she hasn't been particularly useful in the battle so far but she had an idea of how she might be able to help. As the Eaglelore tribe were sheltering in the castle grounds she decided to ride her steed the strawberry roan Royal Ruby Flame as fast as she could till she reached them. They were a very spiritual powerful tribe with ancient knowledge , wisdom and healing abilities. They made special tinctures and potions to heal wounds, illnesses and disease. The innate wisdom and spiritual powers they possessed were akin to the Native American people and their tribes in our own world - ( Keziah's world. ) Princess Divinia wanted to trade with them and be in possession of some of their healing tinctures and salves so she could heal anyone that was injured in this lengthy battle. Royal Ruby Flame was such a spirited and fast horse that it took Princess Divinia no time at all to reach the Eaglelore Tribe, she soon reached the area where they were sheltering from the devastation of their village. She lept nimbly from off Royal Ruby Flame's back and held the reins of her holdener ( bridle) tightly as she strode towards the head Priestess of the Eaglelore Tribe whose name was Ferania de Vraith ( wild and true). Ferania de Vraith cut a very striking figure, she wore a magnificent headdress of blue and white feathers with pink rose quartz crystals entwined in it. She also wore a beautiful dress of sky blue and rose pink with a darker blue long robe that was emblazoned with crescent moon and star shapes. She had long wavy, black hair with braids and feathers plaited into the front of it framing her heart shaped face and enhancing her magical green eyes which could change between green and blue instantaneously. She sensed immediately that Princess Divinia was striding towards her leading her strawberry roan steed Royal Ruby Flame. Royal Ruby Flame also sensed the magical presence of the powerful high Priestess Ferania de Vraith and neighed in greeting and bowed her head down to her knees in respect. Ferania de Vraith smiled at Royal Ruby Flame's almost bow and reached out a hand to stroke the horse's muzzle. This had an instant calming effect on the horse who whickered softly and placed her head in the Priestess's hands. Princess Divinia despite her royal standing felt humbled in the presence of such magnificent magical power and bowed low in front of Ferania de Vraith. She felt as though she could almost feel the power emanating from her,  almost like a kind of aura field that was palpable and imprinted on the very air around her. Ferania de Vraith took Princess Divinia's right hand in hers and spoke softly to say, 'Greetings your Majesty, on behalf of the entire Eagelore tribe I bid you and your horse welcome here among us. I will do everything I possibly can to assist you with anything you might need. '
Princess Divinia smiled shyly and shook Ferania de Vraith's hand. A blush of a pinkish colour spread across her cheeks, she coughed nervously and tugged on her long blonde hair as she cleared her throat loudly and said, " Thank you, I was hoping you might be able to trade some powerful healing potions, salves and tinctures with me that could help heal anyone injured in the battle against Belezebour. And if you might have some good luck charms or totems that will bring us luck in our fight against him. Anything that would be a great help really. "
Ferania de Vraith instantaneously pulled four white feathers from her headdress, then four rose quartz crystals from it also. She reached into her cloak and took out four glimmering golden pouches , four long black tipped golden eaglors feathers and four rough hewn chunks of lapis lazuli that came from the forgotten mountains pass. She knelt down on the ground and spread these items out on the grass infront of her. She passed her hands over the symbolic totem items while chanting a powerful incantation and then she picked up the four glimmering golden pouches which sparkled in the sunlight as if gold dust was dancing in the very air upon them. Then she closed her eyes tightly and made mixtures of the magical totem items into the four glimmering golden pouches and then bound each pouch tightly and said some more incantations over each individual one. She then brought forth a leather bag that had crescent moon symbols on it and placed the golden pouches inside it. She then turned around twice in quite an elaborate way, her blue and pink dress and her cloak swirling around as she did so. While her back was turned from Princess Divinia she raised her hands above her head and gesticulated towards some more members of the Eaglelore Tribe who quickly brought forth jars of healing potions, salves and tinctures. They bowed low in front of the regal Princess Divinia and placed the labelled jars on the ground in front of her before backing away to leave her alone with their high priestess Ferania De Vraith once more. Princess Divinia removed the gold and sapphire earrings that she was wearing, the sapphires in them were quite an adequate size and sparkled brightly under the suns rays, glinting and glistening. She stepped forward and placed the large gold and sapphire earrings into the palms of Ferania de Vraith's hands and bobbed a quick curtsey in respect.
She coughed and cleared her throat nervously, " I trust that these valuable earrings will be enough to barter trade for the jars of healing tinctures, salves and potions Priestess ? "
Ferania de Vraith smiled and swished her long black hair as she nodded her head in agreement and said, " Yes, your majesty these are indeed beautiful earrings with such stunning sapphire stones the like I have never seen before. They are more than enough payment for tinctures, salves and potions that will cure anyone injured in your valiant fight against the evil dragon Belezebour. "
Princess Divinia felt a big wave of relief wash over her at hearing Ferania de Vraith's words of affirmative to make their trade so that she could get the necessary healing medicines for the courageous warriors incase of any battle wounds. On her noble steed Royal Ruby Flame's seater ( saddle) there were several large leather saddle bags which had ample room to hold the healing tinctures, salves and potions. She filled each one with the jars and buttoned them securely up. Then she bade a grateful farewell to Ferania de Vraith and with her foot in the stirrup she held the reins of Royal Ruby Flame's Holdender (bridle) and lept nimbly on her back before cantering off back to the knights and the awaiting army ensemble. On her short journey back to the others she noticed that the sky seemed to darken at times and the atmosphere seemed quite pressing and when she looked up the sky was full of swarming egalors  ( birds that are a cross between an eagle and a hawk) who had obviously picked up on the tense atmosphere created by the  battle. This made both her and her steed Royal Ruby Flame feel nervous and their anxiety heightened as they arrived back with Rionnaglas, Sir Dayfindor , Mystery and the assembled army. Princess Divinia was also starting to worry about how long she had been away from the other world which was of Keziah's world and the alternate reality dimension to Zellorgaroth. Whenever she went through the portal in the painting to access the magical world of Zellorgaroth and to change into the Princess Divinia, Keziah still kept an awareness of who she really was in her own world and despite the fantastical adventures that she had in Zellorgaroth she always carried concern for her family back at Hidden Star House in our own world. She felt that she had been away from Hidden Star House for far too long this time even though she knew that time passed differently in Zellorgaroth to how it did in our own world. The trouble was that they were in the middle of an important battle against Belezebour and she didn't know how to leave the battle and find the stone door portal back to her own world. She really felt that she couldn't just bid them farewell for a bit and ride off on Royal Ruby Flame to find it. This dilemma was beginning to upset her so much that tears began to roll down her face. Though when she lifted her hand that had the star and crown imprint on it up to her face to brush away her tears, a large tear hit that hand and in the exact place where the star and crown imprint was. Suddenly there was an explosion of golden stars that was almost like a firework display and she felt herself jolted through the air and spinning around in a portal vortex. She felt very dizzy so she closed her eyes tight for a few brief minutes and when she opened them again she found herself back in her own world and back in her bedroom at Hidden Star House sitting on the floor infront of the magical painting with Sooty Socks curled up beside her.
She felt a sudden tiredness overwhelm her and she yawned loudly and stretched her arms up into the air as she did so. She got up and walked over to her ornate dressing table mirror and checked her face in the reflection that stared back at her. She saw that her long hair was once more dark and that from her facial features she was definitely Keziah once again. The change between the two worlds and from being her normal everyday self Keziah to The regal Princess Divinia still always felt very disorientating and took time to get used to. She knelt down and picked her little kitten Sooty Socks up and cuddled him fondly. He was such a cute small little black kitten with four white socks and a curious expression now that he was back here that it seemed unbelievable that in Zellorgaroth he was the large shiny black panther changeling called 'Mystery'. Keziah left her bedchamber carrying Sooty Socks in her arms and made her way towards the spiral staircase that led down towards the lower floors of Hidden Star House. As she descended down the spiral staircase the carved wooden bannisters seemed to emit golden star sparkles as she passed them by. These golden star sparkles made a faint popping and crackling sound as they burst into the air before fading away entirely. Once she was on the ground floor Keziah could smell her Grandmother's delicious cooking aromas wafting through the air towards her and she could hear her singing tunefully along to the little radio that she kept in the kitchen. The birds on the wallpaper on the hallway walls which led down to the kitchen began to warble tunefully along too matching their tune with Grandmother Eliza's one and even those music notes could be seen dancing in the very air before disappearing to be replaced with the very next one. The whole of Hidden Star House seemed to be so ecstatically happy to have Keziah and Sooty Socks back with them again  that it had burst into life and an exuberant cacophony of sound. Keziah was also very happy to be back and without realising it she had begun dancing down the hallway rather then walking and was spinning around while holding Sooty Socks securely in her arms and tapping out rhythmic dance steps to coordinate with the music. Soon they had arrived outside the kitchen door and Keziah had the sudden realisation that every time they came back from Zellorgaroth to her own world and Hidden Star House it seemed to be a meal time. And she always went from her bedchamber down the spiral staircase to the Kitchen where Grandmother Eliza would be cooking a sumptuous meal. Keziah blinked and shook back her long dark hair and wondered whether this was just a coincidence or whether it was to do with the time space continuum from going through the portal in the magic painting into the other world and back again. She had to admit that when she thought about it more it was quite an interesting subject and she wondered if using the portal so often could leave fractures in the time space continuum and she hoped with all her heart that she would never end up completely trapped in the other world and unable to get back to her own world and her loved ones. Once she came out of her daydream reverie and her thoughts on her travelling between the worlds she went through the open kitchen door and into the rustic kitchen. Then once she had placed Sooty Socks next to his saucers of milk and food, she said hello to Grandmother Eliza and she sat down happily at the kitchen table. She realised that she was actually voraciously hungry and that coming back at mealtimes actually worked out quite well coincidence or not.
A sudden wave of exhaustion hit her out of the blue and she stretched her arms up in the air and gave a loud sleepy yawn just as Grandmother Eliza placed a large plate of lasagna in front her with salad and garlic bread as sides and a large glass of lemonade. Realising how thirsty she was too she gulped the lemonade down hurriedly and the sugar in the lemonade seemed to instantly revive her. The tiredness dissipated and she felt revived and refreshed. She thanked Grandmother Eliza for the delicious meal but at the same time she wondered where Grandfather Charles was, it wasn't like him to miss a meal he absolutely loved his food and was quite a connoisseur of cuisine especially Grandmother Eliza's delectable dishes.
'Grandmother, where is Grandfather Charles ? Surely he should be here to partake of this lovely lunch ? ', She asked with a note of concern in her voice.
'Don't you worry yourself Kizzy dizzy ( her Grandmother Eliza's nickname for Keziah) he will be along for his meal later. I'm keeping some hot for him in range oven. He found something very unusual in the box of ancient artefacts that he brought down from the attic and it is so unusual and interesting it has him completely spell bound. He loses all sense of time and practicality because of it. "
Keziah sighed with relief to hear that Grandfather Charles was absolutely fine and would be with them very soon. Although hearing about the unusual ancient artefact that had caught his interest so much had certainly caught Keziah's imagination and her curiosity was whirring circles in her mind as she tried to picture exactly what it could be and what marvellous or magical properties it may have.
She had been so busy thinking that she realised her lasagna would be starting to get cold if she didn't start eating more of it soon. Grandma Eliza was seated at the kitchen table opposite her and had nearly finished her meal. Preparing the delicious cooking and keeping everything at Hidden Star House in the tidy and beautiful manner to which it belonged had given her a steady appetite.
   Just as both Grandmother Eliza and Keziah had nearly finished the last bites of their delicious meals there was a sudden strong gust of wind that blew into the kitchen and swung the kitchen door open quite violently. They were just starting to gather their senses and look about themselves to try and see what had happened when they saw a windswept Grandfather Charles standing in the open doorway with a large box in his hands.
Grandfather Charles coughed huskily to clear his throat and made his way towards the rustic kitchen table. He took a seat at his usual place and then placed the large wooden box on the table. Grandmother Eliza tidied her windblown curls and went over to the old fashioned range cooker to fetch Grandfather Charles's portion of lasagna that she had been keeping warm for him and started to serve it onto a plate for him. Once she had she clicked the kettle onto make him a nice cup of sweet tea and placed both in front of him as best she could with that large wooden box in the way. Grandfather Charles was brushing cobwebs from his greying ginger hair and trying to avoid letting them fall into his meal. He had been going on several forays into the attics of Hidden Star House still and had brought the dust and cobwebs back with him all over his clothes and in his hair. He had been so excited and distracted by his latest discovery that he hadn't thought to clean himself up before coming to his meal. He opened the lid of the large wooden box and very slowly and very carefully brought out an intricately carved mahogany music box. It really was a stunning item but it also had mysterious and magical properties as Grandfather Charles had discovered. Depending on which way you wound it, it had the ability to take the person who did so either backwards or forwards in time. Grandfather Charles had discovered it's remarkable ability quite by accident. He had been keen to discover what tune the music box played and wound it slightly forward to set it in motion. A beautiful tune had played once the music box was wound and a little carved wooden carousel spun round in time to the music with the carousel horses dancing up and down also. It really was a stunning piece but as the tune played and carousel moved Grandfather Charles noticed something strange happening. The room had begun to feel as though it was spinning too and everything seemed like a blur for a few moments. He had begun to get worried and had placed his hands on head as he felt slightly dizzy and closed his eyes. When he opened them again he was instantly aware of a change in his surroundings. Instead of being in his cozy inventing space he was standing in the gardens of Hidden Star House but they seemed to have been landscaped differently and there was a very large outbuilding which was now his inventing place. It appeared that he had somehow by winding up the musical box been transported into the future. He decided to enter the large outbuilding and see if he could find anything that would reveal the date and year to him. He was in luck as there was a fresh crisp newspaper laying on one of the tables. He picked it up to read the date and nearly dropped it again in shock. He had been transported into the future by a whole year. Though aswell as shock he also admittedly felt a sense of panic and foreboding. He put his left hand to his forehead and tried to steady himself as the panic was giving him a feeling of vertigo and the room was spinning fast. He saw a brown paper bag laying on the table where he had discovered the newspaper and he began using it to breathe into and to try to calm and steady his breathing. This technique helped and he stopped hyperventilating and began to gather his senses. The reason for his panic attack was that he was scared that he wouldn't be able to get back to his own time and the awaiting Grandmother Eliza, Keziah and his life at the Hidden Star House he knew. He tried to think sensibly and work out a way that might take him back to his own time. Once again he picked up the newspaper which bore the current date and held it in his clammy hands as some kind of good luck token. He had noticed several shelves and cupboards lining the walls and they seemed to indicate that their contents were of the valuable and important kind so he decided to search them.  He was just opening the fourth cupboard when he was sure that he heard the distinctive tinkling sound of the carousel music box that had brought him here. He reached further back into the dusty cupboard and his hand closed around the carousel music box and he gave a loud whoop of delight. He then sat down at one of the benches with the carousel music box and the newspaper infront of him and he thought the best plan was to try and wind the music box's mechanism backwards slightly to see if that would have the desired effect of taking him backwards in time rather then forwards. While he did this which was slightly more difficult then winding it forward, he muttered a little almost prayer to himself and wished hard with all his might while picturing his life at Hidden Star House in the time he had arrived from. There was a sudden large blinding flash of light and feeling of disorientation almost as if he was swimming through a great fog of the passages of time which again made him feel dizzy. Yet when the dizziness subsided and he dared to open his eyes he found himself walking down the lower corridors of Hidden Star House and being able to recognise every detail as being from his own own period in time. He looked upwards and said a quick thank you to God for getting him home safe and sound and back to the time period he had travelled from. He made his way carefully towards the kitchen of Hidden Star House and took his seat at the rustic kitchen table. Grandmother Eliza and Keziah had expressed an interest in musical carousel box with its amazing properties that Grandfather Charles had discovered but he was keen to not let them handle it until he knew exactly whether it was completely safe to go traversing in time or not.

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