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Wind whispered mournfully through darkly twisted trees as a thin, hooded figure raced swiftly through the night, holding a swathed bundle to its chest protectively. Once it reached a moonlit clearing, the figure removed its cloak to reveal a young woman with thick brown hair, an electric blue streak cutting through it like lightning. Her gentle brown eyes shifted nervously over her surroundings as she held her precious bundle closer, fingering the oak bow that was slung over her shoulder. 

The woman tensed when a thick holly bush rustled nearby. 

“Who approaches?” She whispered warily. 

“Lesea? Is that you?” A frightened voice breathed nervously from the holly. The woman relaxed, sighing in relief. 

    “Carney! Goodness, you scared me!” Lesea exclaimed as another hooded woman crept from the bush, scanning the area with the same wary expectation as the first. 

    “Is it safe?” Carney asked fearfully. 

    Lesea nodded and her companion pulled down her hood, shaking out fiery red hair that draped elegantly over bony shoulders. 

        “Did you bring it?” Lesea asked anxiously. 

    Carney nodded, gently removing a tightly-wrapped bundle similar to Lesea’s from under her cloak and clutching it to her chest.

        “Where’s Willow?” She asked. 

            “I’m here.” 
    The two women turned to face the newcomer. 

        “Willow!” They greeted her as she threw off her cloak. 

    Willow’s ebony hair swirled around her pale face, its jutted purple stripe flashing in the moonlight. She hugged a third cloth bundle tightly, whispering, 

        “Is it really time?” 

    Lesea nodded sadly. 

        “And we’re sure this is the only way?” Carney asked, her voice almost pleading. 

            “This is the only way to protect them! Our land is at war and our enemies are hunting down every Group born and slaughtering them! Our parents knew that our sisters were destined to be a Triplet like the moment they were born. This is our one and only chance to save them!” 

    Willow and Carney nodded in reluctant agreement, squeezing their wraps tighter. The three friends fell into a miserable silence, which was broken a few moments later by Lesea. 

        “We haven’t much time. Who will go first?” She whispered. Carney stepped forward and murmured, 

            “I will.”

    The red-haired teenager set her parcel down in a glittering shaft of moonlight and unwrapped it gently to display a sleeping baby girl with flowing red hair like her older sister. 

        “My baby sister, Piper.” Carney announced softly as Willow and Lesea crouched around the child. 

            “Does she… Does she have the bracelet?” Willow asked tentatively. 

    Carney nodded and gingerly brushed hair from Piper’s wrist to reveal a tiny charm bracelet made of green elastic band. Lesea leaned in to examine the single charm dangling from the accessory. 

        “A fox,” Lesea muttered quietly, looking at Carney lovingly. “The symbol of cleverness! Same as her sister’s.” 

    Carney returned Lesea’s look momentarily with a weak smile before staring down at Piper, sorrow and grief darkening her brilliant green eyes. 

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