Chapter 3

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        I decided to take a walk for a while which isn't very exciting seeing as I have walked to school everyday. So I decided to go a different way. I found out that it actually led to the woods. I had never been here before so I decided to go in and see what it was like. 

        I had only been there for about 30 minutes when I thought I saw another person. I decided to get  a little closer it almost looked like he was laying down like he was hurt or something. I called out to him but he didn't answer.

        when I got all the way to him I just about barfed all over the place. It was a dead guy just laying in the forest. He must have been there for a while because he was getting kind of decayed. I was debating whether I should call the police or just go on like I had never even seen it.

        I saw some stab wounds making me wonder if someone had murdered him. I wouldn't that be awful, you found out that your son just got murdered for no reason. He looked pretty young but I couldn't really tell because of the blood stains on his face.

        Wait a minute, I looked closer, as close as I was able to look. Hey I know that kid he was going to be a senior next year. I remember him he always had a crush on me since about the 1st grade. Well I guess now I know how it feels to have your only crush be murdered.

        After a long while of debating what to do I decided to call the police. I told them about how I was taking a walk and came apon it. They said they would be there in about 10 minutes.

        I really didn't feel like waiting there but I wondered what they would think if I wasn't there when they finally arrived. Finally I saw afew people coming and waved to make sure they saw where I was. When they came all the way to me they said that I could go home and didn't have to stay and watch the body be taken. 

        I didn't stay the smell of the rotten body was really getting bad and I didn't know how much longer I could stand it. On my way back I couldn't help but think what it was like to be murdered. There were so many questions that I had about murder, why did it happen, was it painful, what did you do to them to make them so mad, ect.

        When I got home I saw my dad sitting on the couch he must have got out of work early. I was about to go up the stairs when I heard my name on tv. Sure enough there was the site that I had found the body.

        How did they get there so fast it hasn't even been 30 minutes since I called the cops. I guess thats how it works though. There always waiting for something else to put on the new to scare people even more than they already are.

        I tried to sneek up the stairs before my dad said anything but I wasn't quick enough because he kept on talking about how my name was on tv. I didn't really relize how desperate my dad was for someone else to take care of all his problems, like i'm not good enough.

        After about 30 minutes of a lecture about being on tv before him I went upstairs to think about what had just happened. It's just so wierd that someone would do that. How can someone live after they've just killed somebody like that. Do they even think about the consequenses that are going to happen if he gets caught.

        I wonder if he feels bad about it. Maybe he doesn't but i'm sure somwhere in that nasty mean person he probably does feel a little bit guilty. 

        My dad calls me down for supper (leftover pizza). I don't feel that hungry but I go anyway. 

        It was probably one of the most awkward dinners I have ever had with my dad, and I mean it. He barely even lifted his head or talked, which is probably a good thing seeing as he usually bables on about the boring stuff that has happened in his fun day at work, not

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