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Gradient, he has no idea what in the world had happened. He felt every single part of his body feeling sore from the fight he had with Ink Sans, his own father, and he is unconscious. He is now asleep for some reason. And in normal circumstances...he wound usually hear the voice of his Error self, shouting at him to wake up, but this time is much more different than last time. Unlike last time...he is truly sleeping peacefully. He does not hear the voice of his Error personality inside of his mind. In fact, he hears nothing inside of his mind . He feels like he can be in a peaceful sleep, and wished that he can sleep for much more longer. But unfortunately...he is unable to gain that amount of sleep that he had wanted, because some voices from nowhere had made him start to feel awake. It was faint, at first, it didn't effect Gradient in anyway. But than, as he hears the voices more and more clearly, Gradient could feel the softness of something that he is on, as he than began to wake up, and the voices grew louder, with one of them being loud and angry, while the other is calm and composed.

Gradient's hands he felt himself beginning to wake up from his nap. He felt bundled not on the ground anymore...and he does not feel his glasses on his face. Whatever bed that he is is obvious that he is not in the place that he is familiar with in his life. And as he began to awaken, he then hears a voice spoke out to someone else. And it was none other than Error's voice, his own father's.

"N-N-No!! I will no-ot have this abomination in-inside of this place with you!! You kn-know-now-now-now how much I hate anything that is re-related to anything that is created!!"

Gradient than began to open his eyes, and he looked or the side, as he saw that Error and this other entity speaking to each other, and needless to say, they seem to be in an argument of sorts, as the tall Sans than spoke out to Error.

"You cannot kick him out of what I have in store for him, Error. I already have a need for your eldest son. And it is a need that is uttermost importance in the plan that the have for him.

He sounds calm, yet very stern, as though he is acting like a leader to Error, or a parental figure to him. Error than spoke back in his usual tantrum, refusing to allow Gradient to be a member of whoever this strange Sans is, whatever group that he needed him for.

"Wh-Wh-Why in the wor-world do you need-eed that filth-filthy glitch any-any-anyway-ay? You already-ready have m-me, you-ou-ou do-do-don't need to hav-have a mistake-take-take such as hi-hi-hi-hi-him."

But the taller Sans smiled, as though he had been expecting to see what Error was going to say to him, he than spoke out to him in his usual calm voice, and yet, the voice that he is making sounds a little bit too eager to have Gradient by his side.

"I do, actually. I do have a use from him. Why deny such use, when you can use such use."

The taller Sans than turned to the side, and while Gradient may look like he is sleeping, he can easily tell that he is watching the conversation going on, as he then turns to Error, before speaking out.

"You eldest son's ability to create and destroy at the same time, his ability to manipulate pixels, just like what I can do, it is exactly what I need in this plan that I have. I have seen what he is capable of, and of what he can do, ever since the beginning of his life, and needless to say, I am very impressed at what he can do. It is the power that I need in order to bring back something that was stolen from me. And I plan to use that creativity to regain that something from my life. I have already made up my mind, Error. You cannot stop me, even if you try. Besides...the more people that I have, the better."

Alphatale: Broken!GradientWhere stories live. Discover now