Oh my god why am I doing this.

5 2 7

The city was burning.
And in the middle of it all, there blossomed a small seed of hope in the eyes of Romy, as a robot that was heading straight towards her was tackled by a blur of knives, guns and elegant strength.

The red-headed woman landed on the shoulders of the robot before slamming a knife into his head, leaving him sparking and exploding after a few seconds. But Natasha Romanoff was long gone, having saved herself from the explosion by jumping off the robot and landing with her signature move that left thousands of fans swooning every time she did it. Which she knew. She stood up, dusted herself up briefly amd spoke into her comm system.

"That was the last one, wasn't it?"

Seemingly satisfied with the respond she got, she smiled.

Her smile quickly turned into a smirk, as she saw Romy, who was still sitting on the ground. She walked up to her and offered a hand to help her up.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, but someone like you is welcomed to call me Nat any time"

"Uh yeah, thank you Nat. I'm scholuna, but I prefer being called Romy."

Romy responded, being slightly nervous, and quickly took Nats hand just a moment too late for it not to be awkward.

But Natasha's smirk only got wider as she helped the other one up.

"Well then, Romy, glad that you didn't die back there. Would've been a shame, wouldn't it? "(You couldn't send a fanfiction someone has written to a group chat of people that person knows in real life, could you?)

"Yeah, I guess. But seems fate (or destiny) is on my side today. In more ways than one."

"Is it? Glad to hear that. Are you hurt?", Natasha changed the subject abruptly when she saw a wound on Romy's arm she didn't notice before. It was rather big and bleeding profusely.

"Shit, let me fix that real quick. But you'll need to go to a hospital as soon as you can."

With that, she took a bandage out of the many pockets she had in her suit.

"You gotta work with me here. Could you lift your arm a bit so I can reach it better?" She said, leaning in close. She heard Romys heart racing and mentally fist pumped. Not that she'd ever do that physically.
Still, high blood pressure isn't what someone with a wound needs, so she backed off a bit.

After having bandaged Romys arm tightly, she stepped back to look at her work.

There was already a bit of blood seeping through the fabric, so Nats face turned serious.

"You'll need to see a doctor as soon as possible. You know what? I'm taking you back to the S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters and you'll be stitched up there."

"That uh... Sounds great"


Natasha quickly turned around, her eyes searching for the next available vehicle. After a few minutes, her search was rewarded. Hidden under some pieces of debris, there was a motorcycle. It was scratched up, but other than that in a good condition, at least considering the circumstances.

She knelt down besides it and quickly got to work, trying to short-circuit it and suceeding after a few seconds.

After heaving it up, she inspected it closely, trying to see if everything was working alright.

"Looks like the light is broken, but other than that, it should work just fine. Let's go."

She took a seat at the front of the motorcycle and signaled Romy to sit behind her.

The drive was pure hell for Romy, sitting so close behind someone she had admired for quite some time now. She swore her heart would explode every moment now and combined with the fact that Natasha drove anything but slow, she had trouble breathing.

And trouble seeing, since Natashas hair was constantly getting in her face.

Not that she was complaining about the situation she found herself in, eventhough her arm hurt. A lot.

She was torn between wanting the ride to the SHIELD headquarters to be over as soon as possible and not moving from where she was at all.

But it had to come to an end, eventually and through her slightly blurry vision (most likely from the blood loss) she saw a guy rushing out of the door.

"Natasha, where have you been? We were worried for you! You can't just switch your comm off and not respond to anything, do you know what we were thinking? We were ready to send a search party for you! Wait, who is this?"

"Shut it Barton, and help me. She's injured. "

"Since when are we bringing civilians to the SHIELD hospital?"

"I said shut up. "

"Ohhh. I see how it is."

Romy could feel the intensity of the Black Widows glare even through her blurred vision.

Then, she passed out.

She was awoken by the soft humming of machines. As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a white wall.

"Hospital. Shit."

She groaned, before turning her head to be greeted by the sight of more-than-the-recommended-amount of tubes sticking out of her arm.

"Oh I see, you're finally awake"

Romy sat up startled, as she had not seen anyone in the room with her. The doctor had come in, holding a clipboard.

"You'll be fine, but you're best staying in bed for a few days more. There is someone who wants to see you, by the way."

And in came Natasha Romanoff.

"So you're not dead, after all. Good."

She let out a tiny, if exhausted smile before she sat on a chair on Romys bedside.

"When you're fully healed, how about we meet up for a coffee?"


Yep, du hast es so gewollt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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