sick day

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art by sketchyneeks on ig!!

the clock read 9:30 am. vi laid awake in bed. she groaned. her throat hurt and her head was throbbing. caitlyn was awoken by vi's groan.

"good morning my love." she said.

vi groans and coughs.

"whats the matter?" caitlyn said worried.

"i think im dying." vi replied.

"you're not dying." caitlyn said.

caitlyn gets up and opens the curtains. vi groans again, hiding herself under the blankets.

"too bright?" caitlyn said, closing the curtains.

"yeah, my head feels like its about to fall off." vi said.

"its probably a headache. come here." caitlyn said, getting back into bed.

vi coughs, then lays on caitlyn's chest. caitlyn strokes her hair and they snuggle for a bit.

"let me get the thermometer and check if you have a fever." caitlyn said.

caitlyn took vi's temperature. the thermometer read 101.3.

"yep. its a fever." she said putting the thermometer away.

"thats too bad, i really wanted to go to work today." she said sarcastically.

"bullshit." vi said coughing again.

"let me get you some cough syrup." caitlyn said.

"what?! no! i dont want that crap! im fine!" vi replied.

"sure. just a minute ago you were groaning and said you were dying." caitlyn stated.

vi pouts. caitlyn leaves the room to grab some cough syrup from the cabinet downstairs. she makes some toast for vi. she walks back into the room.

"thank you for the toast baby." vi said.

"your welcome love." caitlyn replied.

vi finishes her toast. and caitlyn gets the cough syrup ready.

"sit up so you dont choke."

vi looks at the spoon in disgust, looking like shes about to throw hands.

"ew." vi said.

"just take it!"

vi pinched the bridge of her nose hoping she wouldn't be able to taste it. caitlyn made a face of something between, 'i dont have time for this' and 'why am in a relationship with this girl'

vi slurped the medicine off of the spoon.

"what the actual fuck did you just put in my mouth." she said

"its cough syrup for gosh sakes!!!!!" caitlyn said, clearly stressed out.

"just messing with you geez."


"come back into bed. now." vi demanded.

vi coughs again. caitlyn sits on the bed then makes her way back under the covers. vi tries to give her a kiss.

"ew. no way! dont kiss me after you coughed like that!"

"what?!? cmon cupcake!"

"come here."

vi lays on caitlyns chest and soon drifts off to sleep. caitlyn admired how beautiful her girlfriend is. she is mine. she can be a butt sometimes, but i still love her. the blue haired girl stroked her girlfriend's cheek and pet her hair. vi flinched.
"shh its okay." caitlyn whispered as she gave vi a light kiss on her cheek. soon she fell asleep.

sleepy sleep 🕺🕺✨🕺✨✨

caitlyn wakes up. the clock read 2:00pm. oh. my. god. she thought to herself. they've been sleeping for 5 hours...

she looks at vi. still fast asleep. caitlyn decided she'd take a shower and get into some new clothes.

vi woke up when caitlyn was in the shower. her nose was clogged and her throat and head still hurt. she coughed. it was 2:30pm. she heard the shower running and walked into the bathroom.

"cupcake! taking a shower without me?" vi said.

"oh! you're up!" caitlyn replied. "how are ya feeling?"

"horrible." vi stated.

caitlyn turned the shower off and got out. she hugged vi.

"ill be out in a bit, try to get dressed into some new clothes and we can cuddle again okay?"

vi sniffled. "okay."

vi changed into some new pajamas, sat on the bed and got back in the covers. caitlyn got out of the bathroom. caitlyn sat on the bed.

"hi love." she said rubbing vi's thigh.

"hey." vi said groggy and half awake.

caitlyn got into bed and vi snuggled up with her. they sat in silence for a bit.

"lets get you some food. come downstairs with me."

"noooo!!" vi said.

"please! ill carry you!"


caitlyn grabbed vi and carried her on and put her on her back. this reminded vi of when her, vander, and powder would play and vander would carry her and power both on his back when they got tired. caitlyn let vi down and sat her on a chair at the table.

caitlyn prepared some mac + cheese for them both. caitlyn was the best cook. vi was the opposite, she couldn't cook worth shit. caitlyn has offered to teach her. shes tried, but shes come to accept that cooking is not something shes good at.

"thank you caitlyn." vi said, shoving the food in her mouth, acting like she hasn't eaten in years.

"your welcome violet."

they finished their food and cleaned up their dishes.

"lets go back upstairs, shall we?" caitlyn said.

"carry me?" vi said.

"fine." caitlyn hoisted vi onto her back. and she walked back upstairs. she set vi back on the bed and crawled into bed with her.

"i love you." caitlyn said.

"i love you too." vi replied as she laid her head on caitlyns shoulder.

vi soon fell asleep and caitlyn stared at her girlfriend. she gave her a kiss on her cheek and stroked her cheek. it was a bit early to go to bed, so caitlyn took out her book and read a bit. caitlyn was a huge book nerd. shes read alot of books and rants to vi about them. vi liked when she did it, it made her happy to know that caitlyn was talking about something shes passionate about.

i love how this entire story is vi falling asleep and then waking back up because guess whats about to happen?? ✨✨

vi wakes back up.

"hello beautiful." caitlyn said.

"hello." vi replied.

"how ya feeling?" caitlyn asked as she wrapped her arm around vi.

"a bit better." she replied.

"thats good! wanna watch a movie lovely?"

"yeah that'd be nice." vi said smiling.

"lets watch that new movie, whats it called? encanto?"

"yeah, ive heard about that one!"

*encanto watching intensifies*

"i liked that!" vi said, excited.

"me too!!" caitlyn added.

the clock read 10:30pm.

"lets go to bed. you should be up too late. its not good for you." caitlyn said.

"you're right." vi replied.

"love you, goodnight." caitlyn said, but vi was already fast asleep.

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