Entry Six

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18 missed phone calls. Waking up in a millionaires bed. Shattered vases. Rose petals. Lipstick sketches on mirrors. Luxurious red dresses. Hickeys. Empty packs of cigarettes. A massive hangover.

The aftermath of a party.

I woke up the next Sunday to a phone call from my mother - asking why I missed a week of school, where I was, and that I better have an illegal explanation. Of course, I had no clue what to tell her, I couldn't remember most of my week. Too much champagne. So I told her I had spent my week partying in Ridley (which was true) at a millionaires house (which was also true) with my friends (which was the lie). My mother was naive enough not to know that I had no friends, but criminal enough to suggest I steal something. So I grabbed a few of the more expensive bottles of wine, a nice fur coat, and some tortiseshell combs.

Then I hopped back into my Eldorado and drove my ass home.

Mom was terrifyingly ecstatic that I spent a week partying and came back with a stolen Cadillac. Didn't pay notice to the fact that I had alcohol on my breath or hickeys on my neck. Guess thats the plus of having ex-cons for parents


The only two downsides of coming home were that people talk...

"I heard she got arrested," "No, no, I heard she got into a car crash," "She was probably having sex with a cat"

Matthew, though, was oblivious to the rumors.

"Charlaine! I'm so happy you're back!" He exclaimed as soon as he saw me, pulling me into a hug. "I hope you didn't spend that whole week hungover, but then again I moreso worry about those cats of yours."

"Listen Matthew, I have a question-"

"Wait, before you ask, would you want to go to dinner tonight?"

I froze. He really didn't know anything, and I couldn't tell him no without him finding out. Unless...

"I can't, I'm grounded" I said quickly. His face fell. "Well thats okay, we'll go back out once you're not." He plastered on a smile, though his eyes reeked of sadness. Now I just had to tell my mom that theres a guy....

Oh god would she be disappointed....


Surprisingly, she wasn't. "Its your choice, your body I guess," she had said, "but if you do anything stupid and get yourself pregnant then you're on your own kid." Like I would do anything like that.

That Wednesday I went out with Matthew for the second time, once again leaving on my own. Matthew was a surprisingly boring individual outside of school, or at least when he was around me. We went to a cafe in town where he flirted with the barista the whole time - like I said, uneventful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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