Chapter 81

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Chapter 81. 081 Have you eaten?

    Shen Yi took out a self-heating pot with his backhand, which directly stunned Cheng Zishan.

    The audience watching the live broadcast admired her expression, and quickly cut out the expression packs such as 'dull.jpg' and 'what the hell.jpg'.

    After being stunned for a while, Cheng Zishan came to her senses, took a few steps forward, and looked at the self-heating pot in Shen Yi's hands in disbelief: "Have you found other resources?"

    The only dry food that the program team allowed the guests to bring were biscuits and the like. The self-heating pot is also not allowed to bring pre-packaged food, so the self-heating pot in Shen Yi's hands can only be found by looking for resources.

    Cheng Zishan was unlucky and lacked the observational power of Shen Yi. She found this white resource spot after searching all morning. She naively thought that this resource would be difficult to find, and the situation of other guests was similar to her. Intentionally, he took out a self-heating pot.

    Cheng Zishan felt that the unscented biscuits in her hands were even less fragrant.

    Cheng Zishan usually doesn't bother to look at this kind of convenience food, but in this environment, it is synonymous with luxurious lunch!

    Shen Yi nodded and handed the self-heating pot to Cheng Zishan: "Yes."

    Cheng Zishan caught it dumbfounded, and quickly reacted, her hand froze in embarrassment, and asked Shen Yi, "Have you eaten? Why don't you keep it for the evening."

    She still has dry food on hand, although she wants to eat this self-heating pot, but it's okay to eat biscuits for a while, and it's not that she has never lost weight. That's not so good.

    "I've already eaten it, and there's still food for the evening." Shen Yi likes polite people, and no matter what the other party thinks or what purpose they have, at least he doesn't take other people's help for granted.

    According to the information Chen Jia gave to Shen Yi before, I thought that Cheng Zishan was a arrogant person. I didn't expect that a real person would not have no sense of proportion, but if I think about it, there is really no sense of proportion and no emotional intelligence. It won't last long either.

    Cheng Zishan originally thought that Shen Yi was to show mutual help and friendliness in front of the audience, so she gave her the self-heating pot, but when she heard Shen Yi's words, she realized the problem: "And... you found more than one resource point?"

    "I found four." Shen Yi nodded again.

    "Four, four?!" Cheng Zishan was like a bolt from the blue, she found a white one, thinking it was normal, so she was actually the best among all the guests? !

    'Laughing to death, Shanshan seems to realize the problem now'

    'This stupid kid thought he was making good progress, but turned his head and bumped into the first place'

    'It's okay without Cheng Zishan's progress, Shen Yi is too buggy, other guests I only found one over there, and I'm still looking for the second one." "     She could live in a hut, but she doesn't need it. What's wrong with a tent? '     'I also think that since Shen Yi's ability to survive in the wild is so strong, it's better to give the hut to Cheng Zishan and form a good relationship.'     'Wow, isn't it true that someone is so generous to others? Please, Shen Yi's giving is good intentions, not giving is his duty'     'I think Shen Yi does this because she doesn't want to reveal that she has obtained the first golden resource point...'     Of course, the two parties involved in the situation in the barrage have no idea.     Cheng Zishan heard what Shen Yi said, and couldn't help but ask, "How many tents do you have?" In the     end, Shen Yi answered her directly: "I can live in a hut."     Cheng Zishan was stupid: "What?"     Hut? Why is there such a luxurious thing in Wilderness Survival?     Shen Yi explained: "I opened the golden resource point and opened it."

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