Pluto's entry (Science Class)

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Entry from Pluto (Lana)
April 8th 10:15

Neptune (Ricki) and I are currently sitting in science class trying to pass time by writing on wattpad. Yay.

Neptune being the idiot she is
"I'm testing my reflexes, ow." She complains over the sound of her slapping an iPad to her knee.

"Okay boys...and girls, find something quiet to work on." So annoying. Just leave is in peace. Is this school or something?

"Can we go shoot hoops?" The desperate boys beg.

The teacher refuses to let them.
I don't see why, we're not doing anything. This week has been anything but busy.

Neptune is writing a gay fan fiction but she's not sure how she feels about it...

"Pretty sure my knee is bruised."

"Why would you do that?" I laughed

"I don't know, I'm gunna do it again. I don't want to" she laughed back

If you haven't noticed already she's very intelligent.


Well this is brilliant.

Kay bye.

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