Chapter 1 : Memories, It's Playback Time

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Chapter 1 : Memories, It's playback time.

         People always say that we should treasure what we have before it's gone because when it's gone, it's difficult to get it back again no matter how hard you try. We, humans, always forgot those promises that we have made and keep repeating the same mistake.Till the day you realize your mistake,it's too late. So, realized what we have and treasure it. Even the litte things you neglect now may be important one day...

         It rains again.

        " Perfect." Kate muttered under her breath. Rain always messes with her when she's frustrated AND equally confused. Don't get it wrong,it's not that she dislikes the rain,it just has to depend on the situation.But from what it looks right now,it's clear that today's one of her bad days.

       " Aargh! What the hell does he wants?! Could someone just freaking tell me what's in his mind?! Was he being sincere or was he just fooling around, like usual? " Kate screams out loud, in her mind.

      Great. Just great. Kate feels like banging her head on the car walls out of frustration at this very moment, but she is too tired to do so. Instead, she leans her head against the windowpane, tracing  the raindrops which are sliding down from the roof of the car, with he fingertips. 

       Kate looks at her watch. Studded in pink crystals on the outside and silver crystals on the inside, it reflects the light from the street lamp outside the car, blinding her eyes momentarily. It shows 10:45 pm. 

          Kate sighs. It has been a long and exhausting day for her. 15 minutes have passed since they returned from the mall, which is located somewhere in the city centre and yet, they are nowhere near to home.

       " Looks like there's still quite a long way to go. Might as well get some sleep. " Kate thinks and inclines her seat. After making herself comfortable, she closes her eyes and tries to get some decent sleep as she has school tomorrow.

         For most people, being a Year 8 student might just be the most relaxing thing to be on Earth. That's because school starts around 1 in the afternoon, which means more quality time in bed compared to the upper forms students, who have their classes in the morning and that's one of the reasons why Kate love her school life. Very much.

           Kate Anderson is not the type of girl you'd expect her to be from the first glimpse. She may looks kind of obedient, the type which isn't likely to cause trouble for anyone. That's what people think , and that's far from reality. Having a shoulder-length wavy black hair, double eyelids which enhance her long eyelashes is the only  distinctive feature of her. She is just, the girl-next-door you could rely on. 

           Most of the adults which Kate met said that she is too thin and insisted her to put on some weight, she definitely does not think so. Kate, like any normal healthy teenage girl, is a size 10 and weighs 42 kg. Normal BMI. Not too fat nor too thin. Just nice. Except that, she's a bit on the short side, thanks to her parents genes. 

         Coming from a family where she is the only child, with no siblings to chat with, she does not trust people easily and keeps most things to herself but that does not make her less talkative. She enjoys spending time with friend and to those who know Kate by heart, she is the crazy type, has a good sense of humour, straightfoward and daring. She hates to be controlled by anyone and taking orders from those whom she dislikes but Kate is a born actress, she hides her emotions well and she knows the fatal flaws of her enemies and uses it to the max, when in need, of course. But that rarely occurs, since she doesn't have any real enemies. Her quote? " Smart people do not necessarily need to be those obedient, quiet and lifeless ones. Who said those who are annoyingly crazy and slack in their homework can't have good grades? " Well yeah, that's Kate for you.

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