Chapter 2 : A Deal Is A Deal

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Chapter 2 : A Deal Is A Deal

      “ Thanks.” said Kate as she received her plate of spaghetti from one of the workers  in the cafeteria and walked out from the long queue. While trying to locate the whereabouts of Jennifer, a shadow blocked her path. Kate looked up and saw a fuming Jacob, standing in front of her. “ Dude….what’s his problem. I don’t recalling angering him or something.” muttered Kate under her breath.

     “What?“ asked Kate. “Why did you tell others? I asked you to not tell, didn’t I ?!” “ Oh shit. So he knows. But how the hell did he know? I am pretty sure Jen won’t betray me.” thought Kate. However, she knew better than to tell the truth to Jacob, since she knew that he wouldn’t believe, nor would he forgive her for betraying his secret, even if she just told one of her friends. But still, it was highly possible that some of his friends got suspicious and questioned him. That was hardly a surprise. So, she decided to play the ‘ I-dunno-watcha-sayin ‘ card for the time being.

       With that thought in mind, Kate retorted, “ Excuse me? I seriously didn’t tell anyone. Why should I ? As if I’d gain anything from spilling out your secret.” But that was as far as Kate was willing to go. Sure, she didn’t mind denying and all that, but she also knew that she’d be as hell sorry if she really got Jacob’s temper flying. “ Yeah right. Take off that mask of yours, miss. Few of YOUR close friends asked me whether I am together with Mariel. So, obviously, it was you who told them that.” Looking at Jacob, it was clear that he was annoyed  and scoffed at Kate. “Fine. Keep on denying then. I’ll just get even with you. No need to waste my time talking to you.” He smiled devilishly at Kate , sending her the creeps before turning around and walked away.

       " Ring-g-g-g-g !”  The bell finally rang, which meant it was time to go home. “Phew…” Kate let out a sigh of relief as she bid her friends goodbye and made her way towards the other side of the overhead bridge. Despite Jacob’s playful warning earlier, the day had passed by uneventfully. “Oh god, please don’t let me meet him or else I’ll most probably be found dead tomorrow.” prayed Kate as she walked down the overhead bridge, looking around nervously to prevent getting some kind of unexpected surprise. Luckily for Kate, there were no signs of Jacob.

          “YES!” Kate pumped a fist into the air, thankful that Jacob wasn’t here. Out from the corner of her eye, she spotted Henry. He was waiting for his transport, ALONE. Kate heart pulse raced at the thought of chatting with him. She’d love to, but she daren’t, afraid that she’d make it obvious that she liked him and once he knew, he’ll avoid her. That’s definitely not what Kate wanted. However, she just can’t let this chance slipped away from her since she didn’t really get the chance to mingle with him during lessons although they were classmates.

         “Gee. Whatever, I’ll just say a casual ‘ Hi ‘ to him. No harm done, right?” With that, Kate took a deep breath and walked towards where Henry was standing. “Hey.” “Shit. I did it. Now what? Aargh, think of a topic, girl. Think!” Kate can’t came up with anything to say so she just said the first thing that came into her mind. “What homework do we have for today?” Kate blurted out.  “That’s………lame. Who cares about homework nowadays? Why didn’t I think of something…better? By the way, knowing Henry, he’d definitely not know what’s for homework today.” thought Kate.

       As Kate expected, Henry raised his eyebrows questioningly at her and said, “ Homework? You ask ME for advice on HOMEWORK? Seriously, you think I know what’s for homework? “  “ Nope. Was just asking.” said Kate. She was going to ask Henry some other questions when she heard a voice in the distant. It sounds familiar. That’s common for Kate since she knew most of the people in her school, but this voice somehow triggered part of her memory and it spelt D-A-N-G-E-R.

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