Chapter 8

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(Y/N's POV)

I slipped my cotton tee over my head in preparation for the day. My back stayed turned to the bunny as I slipped it the rest of the way over my chest.

Turning around to face the small animal, I was met with the sight of him covering his eyes cutely with his paws.

He has so many human tendencies.

I've never heard of a bunny closing their eyes to give their owner privacy. It's cute though, I could get use to receiving respect... for once.

I chuckled and finished getting ready.

I sat at the island table in my kitchen, sipping a glass of water, pondering whether or not I could bring myself to part with the little bunny.

I enjoy the company of the little guy, but I don't know if I could afford keeping him. Bunnies are high maintenance pets.

I glanced around the room searching for the baby. My eyes caught a fast moving object bolting around the floor.

Smiling realizing it was the little fluffer, I stepped off my stool and headed to the open space where he was doing his zoomies.

Spinning in circles, looking like he was having the time of his life, he came to a stop and stared back at me.

Y/n: You like it here right?

His nose twitched.

Y/n: Is it better than being out there?

He walked forward till he got to my feet. I looked down with a blank expression.

Y/n: Do you like me?

He crawled onto the top of my foot and snuggled his head against my leg. How in the fuck could anyone not want to keep him?

This is bullshit.


(Y/N's POV)

Lazing on the couch, half asleep, I held in my bowels so I could snuggle the baby a little bit longer.

Such a sweet view; the closed eyes, little paws, tiny nose. He just laid on top of me so peacefully. It wouldn't be too hard to keep him, right?

Ok. I really need to go now.

I gently moved the bunny off from on top of my tummy to the stack of pillows while making sure not to disturb his little nap.

(dashi run run run)

I walked out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and ready to snuggle again.

There he is, just as I left him.

I stepped forward attempting to be quiet, but I guess I didn't try hard enough seeing as he shifted, opened his eyes, then stood up.

We stood there for a minute just staring at each other.

As I moved one foot forward, he immediately jumped off the pillows, down to the couch cushion, then to the floor.

He ran at me full speed.

I thought he was gonna collide with me, but instead he ran around me in a circle.

Circle. Circle... food shaped like circles, Cookies. Cookies? Oh! I never ate my cookie.

Y/n: Please stop running, I need to get my cookie.

He looked back at me as he started slowing down and changing direction. His eyes unfortunately never left me while he ran so he ended up bumping into a chair leg.

Y/n: Oh no! Baby you need to look where you're going.

A blush raised to my cheeks while grinning. He's so silly. No! I can't keep him.

I stood by to make sure he didn't bump his head too hard, then turned to the kitchen to get the cookie I put off eating.

I always make his food last till the end of the weekend. It's stupid but I don't get gifts from anyone else and it makes me feel special.

Since my parents passed, I haven't received an ounce of love from anyone. All I get from classmates is harassment, my adopted father probably uses me in ways I'm unaware of but no less neglects me for months if not years at a time.

It just feels nice.

I ate my cookie little by little enjoying it to the best of my ability.

I looked down after feeling something fluffy brush against me. Of course it was the little baby.

Y/n: You want some? Sorry it's mine. It's not even good for you anyways.

He didn't seem bothered by my statement so I just continued eating while he chilled next to my foot.


Before it gets too much later, I'll have to let the bun go free.

I feel like crying.

Y/n: Hey bun! where you at?

I looked around until I spotted him. He dashed towards me and spun around a few times.

Y/n:*Sigh* I really don't want to do this but I don't really have a choice. Ok, Come here.

I leaned down and took him into my hands to which he happily obliged. I headed to the door with him in hand.

I made my way out of the apartment without even closing the door behind me. (A mistake I make quite a bit)

Exiting the building after getting off the elevator, I headed to the open grassy area near the front entrance.

I placed him closer to the ground so he could hop down out of my hands.

Y/n: Alright, your free to go now.

I didn't even notice I teared up until one dropped out of my eye. I was expecting him to go bolting into one of the nearby bushes, but he just stood there looking at me.


I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and headed back towards the front of the building. I have no clue why I'm breaking down right now. I've only had him for two days.

I paused at the open door looking back.

I didn't see him.

I guess he ran off. Good for him. I just hope he lives a long life.

I turned around just to see him run past my feet, back into the building.

Y/n: Hey!

He didn't stop.

Conveniently, one of my next door neighbors stepped into the elevator leaving the door open long enough for the bunny to run in after.

Y/n: What the hell?

I decided to take the stairs after the elevator door closed. I wonder what my neighbor thought seeing a tiny bunny run in there.

Fuck! Why'd I have to live on the 10th floor. Whatever I need the exercise anyway.

I got up the stairs panting. I walked out of the stairwell and saw the bunny dash into the little gap in the open door.

How did he even know how to get back up here? I know it's not me... this bunny is weird right?

Author's note:

Please like and comment. I will try my best to answer any questions and fix any typos you may find. Thank you for reading!<333

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