surgery & complications

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today my girlfriend was having a major surgery that was risky and she was so nervous. we checked into the hospital and i helped her get into her hospital gown.
i had my arms wrapped around her and i tried my best to comfort her as she was crying.
v: shhh love you're going to be okay
y: w-what if i'm not
she cried harder and i rubbed her back since she was shaking
v: y/n stop, i'm going to be right here waiting for you and i'm going to be here to take care of you
she nodded and i just held her for a bit until a nurse came in
n:hi! i'm brenda,i'll be your nurse today. i'm just going to put a couple of monitors on you ok?
y/n nodded but i knew she wasn't ready
the nurse put in an iv,a couple of monitors on her chest and an oxygen tube.
n:the anesthesiologist will be here soon and he'll take you to the operating room.
the nurse left and not too long after the anesthesiologist came and took her to the operating room and i was allowed to come too. i held her hand on the way there
we got there and they added a bunch of more monitors and they gave her an anesthesia mask
a: this is just oxygen okay?
she nodded
a: i'm going to inject some medication now ok
he injected medicine and now it was getting to her. she gripped my hand and then let go. they gave her a few pumps of oxygen and then told me to say my goodbyes.
v: bye love you're going to do great i love you so much angel
y:i love you more vin
i pulled down my mask to kiss her forehead
a:the anesthetic gas is coming up,you'll be out soon
they strapped the mask on her and they injected something into her iv
i said bye one last time before waiting 8 hours.
v: bye angel i love you
i kissed her hand and her eyes shut.

i stood up
d:you're y/n's boyfriend?
v: yes sir
d:ok great,she's in her recovery room. it's in the icu since we are going to be checking on her a lot. the surgery went well,there were some complications with her breathing and blood loss so she is on a ventilator and she is getting a transfusion
i nodded and i went to y/ns room
she was sleeping and she was on so many monitors you couldn't even see her
she woke up hours later and i felt awful since she couldn't talk. i tried to hold her hand but there was an iv there and she flinched and i felt so terrible.
v:f-fuck i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you
the nurse gave us a notebook so she could write since she couldn't talk
y:it's ok vin it's not your fault
y:i wish i could kiss you and hug you right now
i kissed her forehead
v:close enough?
y:yeah :)
y:oh did they tell you how the surgery went?
v:the doctor said it went well but there were complications with your breathing and blood loss
y: oh
v: the doctor said they'll take you off the ventilator in two days if you get better
y: yay!
two days passed and y/n got better and she was taken off the ventilator and she was given an oxygen mask and a cannula. it was late at night and we were watching a movie together and then she started having what i thought was a panic attack at first as she started crying
v: y/n what's wrong love?
and then her monitors were going crazy and she started having trouble breathing and her heart rate was slowing down
i pressed the button to bring in a nurse and immediately like three of them came in and they made me leave the room
i was sobbing and then about thirty minutes later a doctor told me that y/n was going in for emergency surgery since a blood clot formed in her heart.
i waited about 3 hours and then the doctor told me y/n was out of surgery
they told me she was going to have to stay in the hospital for at least 4 days until she was ok to go home. i went to go see her and she was sleeping and on a ventilator again.
an hour passed and she woke up but her eyes were heavy
v:it's ok love,you're tired, you've been through a lot today it's ok to sleep
v:i love you so much please rest and take your time ok
i kissed her forehead and she fell asleep
hours passed and y/n woke up
v:hi gorgeous angel,how do you feel?
i gave her the notebook and she wrote
y:vin why am i on a ventilator again? :(
my heart broke, i don't think she remembered what had happened the night before
v:you had an emergency surgery last night,it was really scary
y:fuck vinnie im so sorry
v:y/n stop it's not your fault,you couldn't help it
i could tell she felt really bad even though it wasn't her fault
four days passed and i stayed with her and helped her with anything she needed and she got a bit better
the doctors said she could go home but she would have to bed rest for the next two weeks
i took her home and made sure she was taking her meds and felt ok
she spent a majority of the day sleeping and i always made sure she was ok and comfortable
she had regular doctors appointments after which i went to all of them with her

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