Chapter 6: Thursday

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(ac to Selanpike on reddit)

Parfait's eyes scanned the building before she leaned in to whisper, speaking in a low volume that would keep the conversation between them. "Do you remember how I told you about my concert tomorrow?" Parfait spoke in a hushed tone. "Of course, how could I have forgotten?" Pastry responded. "Good. It's being held in the castle...mostly every cookie will be there, whether it be for the concert or the food." That same mischievous smile crept up on Parfait's face. "Including a certain red cookie..." Her voice trailed off. However, Pastry didn't seem to get it yet. "What are you implying?" Parfait rested her head on her hand and swirled her spoon in her rapidly melting ice cream. "You know....ruin his night or something? Nothing drastic, yet." Parfait replied. "Yet, huh?" Pastry joked. "How do you propose we go about it though?" Pastry shrugged. "I don't know anything about him." Parfait took a strawberry into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully before giving her answer.

"I don't think you need to. All you need to do is find a way to ruin his night, right? That's easy. Maybe steal his ticket?" Parfait began to ponder. "It's only easy if you know they'll get mad about it. Every cookie is different." Pastry began to think as well. "I've got it. We may not know much about him, but we do know one thing." Pastry rubbed her hands together. "He has dogs." Parfait choked on her food. "You're not seriously suggesting that we steal his dogs are you?" Parfait narrowed her eyes. "Nah. Just borrowing them. He won't show up if he's busy searching for them, and I'll return them on Friday. " The purple haired cookie shrugged. "Besides, they can't be that hard to handle, can they? I mean, they're just animals. I have experience with animals." Pastry cookie said, nonchalantly.


"Okay, maybe I lied. I have no experience with dogs!" Pastry cookie sighed loudly before plopping down on the floor in frustration. Hounds scurried around the room, destroying anything they could find. Parfait cookie peered into the room, examining the mess. "What kind of 'experience' were you referring to earlier? It looks to me like you have never interacted with animals before..." She look worried. "Of course I've interacted with animals. It's part of my job, if an animal is corrupted, I have to deal with them." She fumbled with her hands in frustration. "This is an entirely different situation, Pastry. Your experience won't help you here." Parfait opened the door wider and stepped into the room. "Let me help you." She smiled. A chocolate cakehound bounded towards her, seemingly excited at the sight of a potentially new friend in the room. Parfait leaned down and gently patted the dog on the head, eliciting a bark from it. Pastry watched the encounter with curiosity. "How are you doing that?" She asked. "Doing what?" "Taming the demon?" Pastry cookie joked. Parfait looked at her in awe, it was the first time she'd heard Pastry let go of her serious tone. Parfait quickly regained her focus. "It's easy. All you have to do is show them affection, and let them know you don't want to hurt them." Parfait explained. "Here, you try." She passed the cakehound to Pastry, who tried so hard to gently hold the puppy. "Relax, it's not going to bite you." Parfait patted her shoulder. Pastry swallowed her nerves, and placed the puppy in her lap. The hound looked up at her with it's sweet, adorable eyes. 'Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look-' Despite Pastry's will, she slowly opened her eyes, and she was immediately bewitched. She took in a large amount of air before setting a shaky hand on the dog's head. It practically rubbed it's head against her hand. Pastry continuously pet the dog, beginning to feel more at ease. She smiled before closing her eyes and relaxing. Parfait smiled smugly before quietly exiting the room, as to not disturb Pastry. She soon fell asleep, still holding the cakehound, who had also begun to drift to sleep. As the hours passed, the rest of the hounds began to fall asleep huddled around her for warmth. By the time Parfait returned to check on her, it was past sunset. She gazed at the sight in front of her before setting a blanket down over them. She left for the night.

Pastry x Red Velvet because I'm boredWhere stories live. Discover now