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This story will be written in 2nd person point of view (i.e. you, yours, your, he, she, they, etc) to keep this as gender neutral as possible. The characters will refer to you, the reader, as they or them to one another, and all nouns will be totally neutral. I love you all so much, and you're all valid. ♡


¹   You were visiting your father, Merlon, on Flipside's second floor. He was teaching you more about the world's fate, and what was to become of it. Always something to do with the "Chaos Hearts", or the "Pure Hearts", and an "interdimensional void." And not to forget about the "brave band of heroes." You always wondered why he even taught you about this stuff. If it was more than just some myth like he always insisted it was, there should have been some portal-void by now, right? After all, you were seventeen years old now, and you had been spoon fed this since you were only a small child, roaming about Flipside. But, it meant a lot to your father and the people of Flipside, so you followed along with the charade, complacent and uncomplaining. Or well, uncomplaining when not alone.

²   "The heroes would go on to master eight treacherous worlds filled with multiple life-risking levels and many large foes along the way, gathering the Pure Hearts they needed to overtake the Chaos Hearts and save the universe from the dimension-ripping void that so desired to destroy all of mankind." Your father, Merlon, finished his dramatic narration, calmly closing his book as he turned to look at you, as if awaiting your questions, of which you had many, but likely would not voice them.

³   You tilted your head at him. "Father, is that how it ends?" You asked. You had to admit of course, that was a rather.. Overall conclusive ending to be something merely wrapping up something as minuscule as yet another monologue about the oh-so-brave "heroes" who desired to "save the world from certain doom". Merlon shook his head, to which you bit the inside of your cheek. Truth be told, you loathed the thought this would carry on further, but you would not voice your disdain out of courtesy for the town's culture. "It is not the end, my child. You still have a good many more chapters to go. Upon your next visit, we will dive deeper into the history of the heroes and how they came to be. In the meantime, run along and study up. I will be quizzing you on what you know come tomorrow."

⁴   With an inaudible sigh and a polite, although convincing, but faux smile, you gathered your journal and your ink bottle, as well as the quill and several pages of important Light Prognosticus script, all into a pile and hoisted it up, holding it all carefully in your arms. "Very well," You began, walking towards the door. Your elderly father got up behind you and opened the door for you, smiling warmly as you walked out, bidding him farewell for the night.

⁵   You made your way through the town, greeting people as you took the series of elevators back down to your house, which resided on the very first floor of Flipside. You politely called out to your neighbor, Clint, asking if he could open the door for you, seeing as your hands were full. He smiled at you and nodded, you two kicking up a light banter as he walked over. The two of you talked for a bit whilst you stood in the doorway. After a bit of talking about him and his love life, and you and your understudy life, the both of you bid each other adieu.

⁶   You set your things down on the small table that stayed by your front door. It had very few things on it. Very few being a spare key to your father's house, a small crystalline glass you'd received from Merlee, and a tiny candle which happened to be "Pink Snow Bunny" scented, a gift you'd received from your friend, Princess Peach, who was a rather big fan of Sweet Smiles Kitchen, a show ran by Saffron, Flipside's locally, and somewhat inter-locally famous cook. You also knew that your father and Saffron had some kind of feelings for one another, him more so than her, but you never were one to interfere with anyone else's private life, no matter how much you knew about it.

Chaos Hearts | Dimentio x Reader (REWRITE OF "Save Me From Myself")Where stories live. Discover now