I was at my house doing nothing tbh and i think i would go to rosiee i know i know ive been there for long now its JUST UGH SO BORING HERE! So i called rosiee.
Jenn " Ouhhmm so Uhh" I said " What? Jenn?" "I was wondering could i visit you :)" " uhh yeah sure but its really boring here so yeahh ive benn just playing on my Pc i have 2 of them it was for my brother Jimin but he moved out with my parents so yeah you can borrow it if you want" " OHH Thats nice soo can i goo?" " Yeah duuhh" " YEEESSSS OK TY ILL BE THERE!!" "Geez ok ok bye " bye"
YEAAAAAHHHHH I CAN GOOO Then i started to drive and got to rosiee house and knock " knock knock" "ROSIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" i said "JEEEEENNNNNNNN" she said back then she open the door and let me in and said " follow me" i nodd and followed her and WOW there was a hole Gaming set up AND THERES EVEN A FRIDGE ON THE ROOM AND A HOLE PANTRY OF SNACKS AND DRINKS OHHHH MYYYY GOOD NESS I WAS SOO SHOCKED THAT I COULNDT EVEN MOVE!!!
Time SkipI was now really tired and really sleepy that i fall a sleep at rosie pc while rosie was on her bed watching netflix i think she dint realise i was sleeping until the movie ends she got up and poke poke me at the shoulder until i wake up " ahh are you a sleep" she said " yeah kinda?" "Come on ill drive you home". She said now im at her car and she was drving me home. Then i got to my home and thank rosie for it.