Chapter 6: FLASHBACK 2

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When the Martin triplets were eight, their mom decided they should spend the summer with their dad. Kurt was very busy over the summer, and after two weeks sent the trio to summer camp for a week.

It was a good camp, but the three were fairly nervous. As they walked in wearing their Lake Camp caps and jackets with Max in the middle, it was obvious they were triplets. The three liked it that way. Max and Zack put on confident faces, whilst Cody showed his fear. Kurt had just left, so they needed to check in.

"See you later," Max said, walking over to the 'Girls Check-in,' sign. Zack slightly waved while he and Cody walked to the boys section.

"Name," a woman said to Max, trying to smile.

"Maxine Martin," Max replied, as the woman looked through papers. She was eight, but grown up for her age.

"Ah, yes. You're in cabin G9, and group 4. John will show you the way." Max nodded, as she started to follow the man to her cabin.

Meanwhile, Zack and Cody were checking in.

"Okay, Zack you're in cabin B6 and Cody you're in B5. You're both in group 4," the woman smiled.

Cody felt a tear in his eye. "A-aren't we together?" he asked.

"You're in the same group, with your sister." The woman smiled. "Henry will show you to your cabins." Cody cried more as the woman dismissed the twins.

When they arrived in their separate cabins, none of the trio ended up 'happy'.

Max walked into her cabin and put her stuff on the only remaining bed. The room was small. All they had was a bunk bed, single bed and a bathroom area. Max sighed, sitting on the bottom bunk and looking at the two other girls. They were too distracted with their dolls to even notice she'd come in.

"Uh, hi?" she tried.

"Hello," a girl in pink said with a smile. "Got any dolls?"

Max shook her head, tiredly. "I have toy cars,"

"They're boys' toys!" the other girl laughed.

"No. My mommy says that girls and boys can play with the same toys," Max argued.

"No, my mommy says cars are for boys,"

"But my mommy's right," Max argued.

"No, my mommy is,"

Soon all three girls were arguing a lot.

Meanwhile, Zack walked into his identical cabin, to be greeted very differently.

"Are you Zackary?" A boy wearing glasses asked, getting right in his face.

"It's Zack," Zack backed away slightly before looking at the other boy. The other looked about 10, but seemed to act eight.

"Where would you like to sleep?" Glasses asked, sniffling. "We wanted you to choose."
Zack was even more weirded out by these two nerds, so just said. "I'm on top at home, so that's easiest," and sat down. Glasses introduced himself as Rover (Which creeped Zack out) and the other was called Ben. He couldn't wait to get to dinner.

All the while, Cody walked into his cabin full of tears. He'd never been apart from his siblings for as long as he could remember. They were in the same class, the same room. He was the middle kid, so un-born with Max, then born with Zack. When one was in the bathroom, two were outside. (Or just Max when the boys bathed together). So for Cody, the idea of spending a week in a different room was scary. It was for all of them, but only Cody showed it.

As he entered, the mess was the first thing he saw. The room was half the size of the one at home, and a lot more cramped. "Aw, look, the nerds crying," a large boy said, taking a bit of his chocolate bar.

"Hey, nerd. Nice sweater-vest," the other jeered, throwing a rapper on the floor. Cody quickly put his stuff down and started to cry.


The following day, the Martin trio met up at breakfast to discuss their situations. Max had had an evening of doll tea-party's, Zack's had been full of nerd feast, but Cody had suffered torments. The food was fine, so were the activities. In fact, the three had a good day. Till it was time to return to the cabins.

Zack had another evening of nerd-fests.

Max had her cars nicked, while being teased.

Cody was beaten up.

And that's why, at 3AM, the trio had had enough. Max, who couldn't sleep, came outside to see if she could talk to Zack. Cody had ran out as they hit him, desperate to get to Zack. Max looked over her injured brother, as they stood outside the cabin.

"You okay?" she whispered, getting a shaky nod as they knocked on the door.

"Yes," Rover said, appearing at the door.

"Can we talk to Zack?" Max asked.

" You see, he's asleep right now, ad said if we bothered him he'd kill us,"

"Please," Cody begged, looking at the posters inside.

"Get out the way!" Max pushed the large boy to the side and went into the cabin, over to Zack's bed. "Get up, dufus," she half yelled, pulling his leg till he got out of bed.

"What is it?" he asked, sleepily coming to the door.

"Macy and Becca stole my car!" she whined.

"And I got beat up!" Cody cried.

"You're lucky to have us, right Zacky?" Ben put his arm around Zack.

"So lucky," he lied. "Uh, I'm just gonna talk to my brother and sister," he quickly pulled away and exited the cabin with his siblings.

"This camp is horrible," they all said at once.

And although they managed to move cabins, they still saw their former room-mates, and kept one thing in mind.

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