Month 4 (Pt.2)

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Lumi was the first to wake up, as per her routine, and it was 6 in the morning when she decided she was hungry. Using her crying as her main source of communication, she let out a wail with a different tune to try and get her mother's attention.

Harumi groaned from beside her, attempting to cover her ears from the sound–finding out it was impossible since she was right beside the source–and eventually giving up to turn over and assist her daughter.

"I'm up, I'm up." Her voice raspy as she spoke, holding Lumi in her arms to feed her. "Sweetie, you need to learn to wake up your dad."

Lumi ignored her and continued drinking her milk, enjoying the satisfaction this moment gave her. Harumi's head fell from left and right–causing her to wake up each time–as she slowly drifted back to sleep.

Lloyd was peacefully asleep beside them, a drool stain forming on top of his pillow as it fell from his mouth. Harumi ruffled his soft blonde hair and yawned, it was way too early for this.

Once she was sure Lumi was full, she waited for her to burp before laying her back on the bed. Lumi turned from her back and onto her stomach in one quick motion, showing off to her mom what she was capable of, and lifting herself up on her elbows.

"Look at my baby," Harumi spoke with a baby voice and a smile. "You're growing up too fast, Lu. Slow down a little."

Lumi only cooed in response, letting out different sounds as she did. Harumi placed a few toys in front of her to keep her busy as she went to wake up Lloyd.

She reached her hand out and ran it through his thick blond locks. "Greenie, it's your turn." The motion made Lloyd hum in response, a smile forming on his lips. "Please? I'm still sleepy."

Lloyd started twisting and turning but it was only when Harumi retracted her hand did he fully wake up. His emerald green eyes looking directly into hers, a pout on his lips.

"Good morning." She greeted him with a small giggle escaping her lips.

"Good morning, Rumi." He answered, stretching his muscles as he did and let out a yawn. Lloyd caught sight of Lumi playing beside him, immediately breaking out into a smile. "Good morning to you too, Lu."

The baby cooed, rolling over to lay down on her back again but this time closer to Lloyd's figure. The boy chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, engulfing her in a cuddle.

"It's my day off. I'm tired." Harumi declared, dismissing the knot forming in her stomach, and rolling over to face the other side to continue sleeping.

"But she's happy!" Lumi was now on Lloyd's stomach, giggling away as he played with her.

Harumi couldn't help but smile at the sounds. "She's too happy. It's your turn."

She felt a small, wet hand place itself on her cheek–Harumi didn't have to turn around to know exactly what they were up to–and a voice saying, "But mommy, you have to play with us!"

It was high-pitched and a little squeaky, Harumi couldn't think of a single person that would sound like that.

"Is that your impression of her voice?" She turned around, raising an eyebrow at Lloyd who hid behind Lumi.

He averted his gaze somewhere else. "Is it that bad?"

"A little."

"What do you think she would sound like?"

"Definitely not like she's breathing helium."

Harumi giggled, getting up to plant a kiss on his cheek, and snatched their daughter away from his hands while he was distracted. She let her rest on her chest, their stomachs touching, and made the most of their mornings before she was expected to go to work.

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