13. Another Trip Around the Sun

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Birthdays. Possibly the best day for any normal teenage girl. It was mine and Ashley's birthday, and saying that we were excited would be an understatement. I had been planning this since my last birthday. I was going to go to the mall with Brooke to get our hair and makeup done before picking out a dress for the awesome party.

The others didn't seem as excited, though.

"Good morning, everyone," Ashley sang as we walked into Pat's the morning of our big day. I was practically jumping as I leaned down to kiss Brooke on the cheek.

Tad, still looking at his phone, greeted, "Howdy."

"Hey," Stick told us, doing the same thing. They all looked uninterested and bored.

I prayed that at least Brooke would remember, but my hopes were crushed when all she said was, "Mornin'."

"Hey, guys," Uncle Victor addressed, tapping away on his cell.

Still trying to stay positive, Ashley asked, "And how are we all doing this fine morning?"

The responses were almost as painful as their greetings. They let out a string of disappointing answers before continuing what they were doing before. Ashley's face dropped along with mine as we stared at the ground.

"Oh, you two, by the way..." my uncle turned around to face us. Then everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!"

They all got up to get into a group hug, Brooke kissing me while Stick, Tad, and Victor wrapped their arms around Ashley and I. "Aw, stop," I blushed, pretending like it wasn't a huge deal.

And as I looked around me, I realized that there was no one else I'd rather spend my birthday with. Well, maybe Chris Evans, but you can't have everything.


After the sweet moment at Pat's, Ava, the teacher, came and gave everyone in the news that they all had to work. Then, Tad let slip that they all were planning a surprise birthday party. We all agreed to meet up at the coffee shop before their rehearsal tonight.

Then it was all ruined by Victor saying he got carrot cake. Ashley is the only person I know who actually likes carrot cake. It's made of carrots. Carrots aren't supposed to be in cake. And, as if it wasn't already bad enough, it had freaking raisins. Nobody wants raisins or carrots in their cake.

Also, there were no changes that had to do with my part in the musical, and everyone else was doing something or other, so I was lonely. 

I tried to stand on my head on the couch. That kept me occupied for a solid half an hour. I went over some cheerleading routines, I practiced my song that I was going to sing at the party, I wandered around the neighborhood looking for people that I could talk to.

After not finding anything to do, I made my way back home and found Brooke sitting on the couch. She looked at me when I walked in and smiled.

"Hey, babe," I greeted, taking a seat next to her and giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Why are you sitting on the couch all alone?" 

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