Monty x SH!Reader

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   Tw: S3lf H9rm

   I finished drinking the Fizzy Faz that Freddy gave me and went down to the daycare to see how Sun was doing after throwing the empty can in the trash. I entered through the doors and saw that the lights were out. I heard a growl and a kid screaming. I ran to see Moon cornering someone. I pushed him out the way and helped the kid up. "Thank you" I nodded before helping him up in a tube for safety. I felt Moon grab my wrist and hold me up with it. I clenched my teeth and opened my eyes as he laughed. I heard a switch and the lights came back on. Moon turned back into Sun. His eyes flickered and widened, setting me down gently before asking if he hurt me. I shook my head no and the kids came back out and went back to coloring. "Did you need something, Y/n?" "Nah, just wanted to check in, I got a little more than that tho haha" "Oh, well I am sorry if I caused a fright to you" "No, you're fine really. Well I got to get going. The day doesn't last forever." "Alright, see you later!" I went to Monty Golf and no one was there. I saw Monty sitting on a chair. "Monty!" He lifted his head up and smiled, getting up, "Hey there Rockstar! You come here for some golf?" "Nah, I just wanted to spend time with you; maybe some music?" "That sounds great! What instrument you want?" "Hmm... How about the flute?" "That sounds great! Here you go Rockstar!" He handed me the flute. I smiled up at him and started to play one of his band's songs. He caught on quickly and sang while playing his guitar. Wow he could sing! I smiled and went back to playing. Soon the song was done and I threw my hands up in victory with a closed eye smile, my sleeve falling down, revealing my cuts. "... Rockstar?" My eyes opened as I felt wind on my wrist and quickly pulled my sleeve up. I looked up at Monty who had a sad look in his eyes. He carefully grabbed my arm and inspected my cuts. He got a first aid kit and dressed the cuts. He sighed, "No more of this, alright Rockstar? I don't want you hurting like this" I held my head down in shame. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head up. "Hey it's okay. I'm not mad Rockstar; We'll get through this together alright?" I nodded my head. "Alright now who wants some Monty Mix?" I smiled, "Me!" We ate Monty Mix together until our heads hurt and cracked jokes about the gang until closing time. "Alright Rockstar, it's time to go" I pouted. "Hey, you can always come back tomorrow right?" "Yeah I guess so" "Alright then we will play golf and mess with the gang some. How about it?" "YEAH!" "Okay then it's settled. Go home and get some rest Rockstar" He ruffled my hair a little before giving me a hug. "Bye Monty!" "Bye Rockstar!" I ran back home excited, ate then went to sleep, thinking about Monty.

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