Don't Worry

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Alright, once your done eating it's time to get ready for bed." Said Tom. It was a Sunday night and the Wachowski family was enjoying their dinner. Of course Sonic wanted chili dogs but to his dismay it ended up being chicken instead, when Maddie had stated that they've had chili dogs the last three nights.

"What?" Said Sonic mid bite. "Why do I have to go to bed now? It's only eight o'clock!"

"Sonic," Maddie stated. "We've been over this. Your first day of school is tomorrow."

Oh, right school. He kind of wanted to go to school, maybe make some new friends... but, he was really nervous. First of all he hasn't really talked to other kids before. He really wanted to make friends with the other kids but he didn't know really how to interact with people very well, besides Tom and Maddie of course. It was making him extremely nervous that he was well...different. How would other kids react to that? Would they think he was a freak? What if the teachers thought he was too much or didn't like him? His chest got tight the more he thought about it.

"Sonic?" Tom and Maddie both noticed the tension in the hedgehog as he stared at his now empty plate.

"I-I'm fine." said Sonic still looking down.

"Sonic, honey? What's wrong?" Asked Maddie as she noticed the hedgehog stiffen.

"I'm just gonna go to bed now, good night." He gave them a sad smile.

"Wait Sonic don't-" said Tom before he sped off in the blink of an eye into the attic.


"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

"Ugh, what?"

Sonic slowly woke up when he heard his alarm clock. Sonic turned over and squinted in the bright light from his skylight.

6:00 the clock read.

Sonic shut off the annoying alarm and groaned. "Six o'clock is way to early to get up." He mumbled into his pillow.

"Rise and shine kiddo!" Said Tom pulling down the attic stairs.

Sonic groaned and pulled the covers up over his head trying to block out the sound and resume sleep.

Until Tom yanked covers off of him.

"Come on speedster time for your first day of eighth grade!"

Sonic glared at Tom for taking the covers off of him, making him cold.

"Don't look at me like that. Come on breakfast is ready." Said Tom while grabbing Sonic's waist and pulling up into a sitting position. He groaned in response.

"Sonic come on, I know you have more energy than that."

"But it's too early!"

Tom, figuring that he's probably not going to get up any time soon, grabbed sonic and draped him over his shoulder and started heading down the stairs.

"Toooom, put me down!"

Tom, ignoring Sonic's complaints, said "We are have scrambled eggs this morning." Then put Sonic down in his seat at the table.

"Good morning sleepy head." Said Maddie handing Sonic a plate of the said scrambled eggs.

"And good morning babe." Maddie said while hugging and pecking Tom on the cheek.

"Umm I'm right here." Said Sonic.

Tom and Maddie broke the hug and just laughed. As they made their way to the table.

"How did you sleep baby?" Said Maddie looking at Sonic.

"Fine." Said Sonic.

Maddie, deciding to break the silence spoke up. "Are you excited for school?"

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