School Day

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Sonic walked into the school building. There were a bunch of kids in the hallway chatting and putting their stuff in their lockers.

Well until he walked in.

"Oh my gosh is that the blue devil?!" Someone said which grabbed almost everyone's attention. Everyone was looking at him and pointing fingers, some just frozen in shock.

His ears lowered being under all of the heavy stares made him uncomfortable.

"Mr. Wachowski?"

Sonic turned his head to see a lady with dark brown hair tied up in a bun.

"Your Sonic, right?"


"Hello Sonic, I'm Ms. Holland and I'm the principal here."

"Hello! Nice to meet you" Sonic said and gave her one of his award winning smiles.

"Would like to come to my office so I can give you your schedule."

"Of course."

Sonic followed her into the office, receiving some more stares from kids, and was instructed to sit in a seat in front of the principal's desk.

"Alright here is your schedule" she said as she handed it to him "and your locker number is number 419"

"Okay thanks!"

"And if you need help finding a class I'm sure one of the students will help you. So your home room is going to be room 9. You should get going now so your not late."

"Alright thank you!"

"No problem."

Sonic left the office and looked at his schedule.

"Okay... locker 419" he started walking down the long hallway looking for his locker. "Oh! There it is!" He said a little to loud grabbing some peoples attention.

He turned around and focused on putting his back back in his locker. Trying not to think about all of the people looking at him.

He grabbed his stuff and looked at his schedule. Then he heard the bell ring. Uh oh. He can't be late to class! Especially on his first day!

(Okay I just need to find room number nine)

He started down the hallway at a fast pace (not full speed though because apparently running in the hallways is against the rule) looking at every room number.

Room 5, 7, 10, wait where is nine? Sonic started panicking (no, no, no I can't be late.)

"Ugh this is so confusing!"

"Do you need help?"

Sonic looked over to see a girl standing at her locker with blond hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and a light blue hoodie with jeans.

"Yeah kind of." Sonic scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Your the new kid right?"


"What room are you looking for?" The girl asked walking over towards him.

"Number nine."

"Oh that's funny that's also my home room."

"Wow really!" Sonic said wagging his tail a little bit.

"Yep!" The girl giggled at his excitement. "I can walk with you to class if you want."

"Okay! Oh! I'm Sonic by the way!"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Charlotte."

"Wow that's a cool name!" Said Sonic practically jumping with joy.


"So like, I've never really been to school before. What's it like?"

"Oh well.." Charlotte started "I mean it's boring most of the time to be honest. But that's just my opinion. It is nice to make some new friends though!"

"Are you my friend?" Sonic asked his eyes practically sparkling with joy.

"If you want me to be, then sure!"

Sonic gasped then ran in a circle around her squealing with joy. "Yes, yes, yes! I made a new friend!"

Charlotte laughed out loud. "Your crazy blue devil!"

"Haha, I know!"

"Umm we should probably get to class because we are going to be late."

"Oh, yeah right." Sonic said

Charlotte led him to room number nine. When they got to the door Charlotte turned to look down at Sonic. "Whatever you do don't talk to those boys over there, Braxton and Triston. Okay?" She said as she pointed through the window of the door.

"Why?" Asked Sonic "They seem okay."

"Because, they are probably the rudest people in this school..." She paused then muttered "And Jessica but she's in a different class thankfully."

"Oh." Sonic was kind of worried about that. That was his biggest fear about coming here, bullies.

"It will be okay though, just don't pay attention to them."

Charlotte opened the door with Sonic following close behind, when the teacher looked up and saw her. "Charlotte your late, again."

"I know sorry Ms. Hope. I was just helping him find his class." She gestured to Sonic when he stepped out from behind her.

"Oh, your Sonic right?" Asked the teacher as she walked over to them. She looked a little startled for second then brushed it off as if it was nothing.

"Yes." Sonic smiled and gave a little shy wave. While Charlotte went to go sit down.

"Alright class, listen up," The teacher started, "we have a new student today. Sonic would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

"Umm... sure..." Sonic walked up to the front of the class. There was around twenty kids in the class and, they were all staring with wide eyes and whispering to each other. He noticed the boys Braxton and Triston whispering and laughing to each other. Then he looked over to see Charlotte winking at him and giving him a thumbs up.

It felt like all of the words were caught up in his throat. "Hi.. I'm Sonic Wachowski... I'm thirteen years old..." he mentally face palmed himself for making his voice sound so shaky. "Umm" his thoughts were racing a hundred miles per hour and his face felt hot. Sonic bit his bottom lip and looked down. "I'm from another planet..." gasps were heard from all around the room, and the whispering increased.

(Maybe that was the wrong thing to say.)


(Just say something!)

(I don't know what to say!)

He could feel the heavy stares and hear the whispering of other students. It felt like his heart was going to lurch out of his throat.

"I'm-" Sonic started but then was cut off.

"What's wrong with your face?" Shouted a boy from the back.

Alarmed Sonic looked up to see Braxton and Triston laughing historically.

Sonic ear's drooped. Just what he feared.

"Triston and Braxton!" The teacher shouted. Then the laughing stopped.

"That is not how you treat your classmates! Office NOW, both of you!"

"Bruh, I'm just asking a question!" Shouted Braxton.

"Don't talk back to me, office now!"

"Oh my goooosh!" Tristen shouted while they both stood up and walked to the door.

Braxton gave Sonic and uncomfortable death glare when he was walking out of the class room.

Sonic gulped.

The teacher sighed. "Now, Sonic go sit down, the second chair in the third row please."

Sonic nodded before going to sit down. The stares never went away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2022 ⏰

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