Chapter One

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Ginger-and-brown fur went whizzing through luscious green bushes. A calico with pale yellow eyes darts through the wet boglands, paws squishing deep into the wet soil. Three cats follow her, a pinkish-grey one with lighter ripples, a tan tomcat with darker ripples, and a dark bluish-grey tabby with light grey eyes. The tabby she-cat was lagging behind, clearly going to have kittens soon. "Ripple!" She panted. "Wait up!"

The calico she went screeching to a stop. "Midnight, we're almost there. Just a few more days, a bit more if we walk. Do you think you can do it?" She asked, gold eyes glimmering with worry for the blue she-cat, who nodded feebly. "Yeah, but, can we, rest, first?" She panted. The tan tom pressed against her and she leaned into him.

Worried, Ripple looked around. "Fine. We'll resume our journey tomorrow; there's a hole under that fern bush over there. Pumpkin, help Midnight in there, then Vulture. I'll hunt first." Pumpkin and Midnight slowly sauntered towards the hole, Vulture following. As he passed Ripple, he slowed, smiling, and said, "Thank goodness for your wonderful eyesight. Without it, we'd have nowhere to sleep tonight."

Ripple purred in response to her friend. "Any of us could have found it just as easily." Vulture shook his head. "No, just you." Ripple sent a look to him and he shrugged. "But whatever you say, O great leader."

Once the three cats were well hidden, she trotted off into the deep wetlands. Massive leaves of green and blue and grey rustle all around her. She tipped back her head, sniffing the humid air. She had hoped to find a squirrel or a mouse or something good, but all she could catch on the wet breeze was the scent of frog. She wrinkled her nose. Surely her friends would understand, the wetlands were a disgusting place.

She dropped to the ground, stalking towards a rustling bush. She peered through the twisted branches of the shrub, spotting a newt, facing the other way. She slowly reached her white paw into the bush, careful not to rustle a leaf, and plucked it out, snapping its frail neck.

After catching a few more disgusting amphibians, and a slightly less disgusting thrush, she went back to the makeshift den. There were now three moss nests on the dusty ground that definitely weren't there before. Dropping her prey into a small pile, she asked, "Who made the nests?"

"Me." Mewed Vulture. "One for me, one for you, and one for Pumpkin and Midnight." As much as she wanted to snap out, to get mad about how he could have gotten killed, or gotten them all found, she was grateful for the nests. The rushing wetland winds were quick and freezing in the night and it would be nice to curl up in a warm nest, pressed against two others. "Thank you, Vulture. Now, the sun is setting. We must eat."

She gave the thrush and a frog to Midnight and Pumpkin and shared a large lizard with Vulture. By the time they'd finished, the sun was gone and the stars were twinkling in the sky. Midnight and Pumpkin were already deeply asleep, snoring softly. Vulture had just finished circling around in his nest and was settling down in his nest drearily. Ripple sighed, beginning towards the exit. "Where are you going?" Asked Vulture tiredly.

"I need to keep watch."

"No, you don't. You've hardly had any sleep since our journey began, and we're not gonna get attacked anyway. Plus, it's too cold to be sitting out there in the cold."

She sighed, padding back towards her nest. "Fine, but I'm still gonna keep watch from here."

"I know I can't change your mind, but Ripple? Promise me you'll wake me up in a little while."

Ripple remained silent.

"Ripple..." He said sternly.

"Yes, yes, okay, I'll wake you up! Goodnight, Vulture."

Content with that, the tom rested his head and immediately began snoring.

⇼ ⇼ ⇼

The sun was slowly rising and the crickets were long silenced when Vulture awoke, seeing Ripple's tall silhouette, outlined by the sun's rays.

"Ripple! I told you to wake me!" He snapped angrily. Midnight and Pumpkin jolted awake. Ripple remained calm, still looking out. "Sorry. I tried to sleep, to be more relaxed as you always say, but I couldn't sleep." Vulture narrowed his eyes. "I still could have kept watch for you!"

Ripple sighed, staring blankly at the ground. "Sorry. It's time we leave."

The four cats stood, shaking their pelts out and sliding out of the tunnel, beginning in the direction of the sun at a steady pace.

So uh yeah

I made this entirely on an impulse and it has literally no storyline

So ya know


Instead of setting a distinct goal, I'll just update when I can

I also really don't like how I wrote this but it's too late now, haha!

I work better writing from first person but ohhh wellll

And uh yeah

Also, I don't own warriors, I am not Erin hunter. Unfortunately.

Anyways, uh,


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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A warrior cats thing that doesn't have a name yetWhere stories live. Discover now