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July 1988

The door opened to the office, and two pairs of eyes greeted the round man as he burst into the room. He analyzed each man sitting on opposite sides of the oval shaped conference table. One lounged in the leather swivel chair, unbothered that his rival sat just inches away. While the other seemed to flex his right fist, almost as if he were imagining beating the first man's brains out. The two were complete opposites. One calculating and tranquil, though the other was combative and impulsive. But the latter was not one to be underestimated; he was smart, maybe smarter than anyone in the room. However, his temper made it hard for him to think rationally at times.

"Good morning gentlemen." Chief James Hector stated as he slid into his usual chair at the head of the table and placed his briefcase on the floor near his feet, "Glad that you were both willing to meet under these circumstances..." He twiddled with his fingers and furrowed his eyebrows. Both men sat in silence, watching, waiting. James cleared his throat, "I wanted to personally meet with you both, to discuss a few things."

"Are you trying to negotiate?" Legend said. He sat upright in his chair, eyes glowing with interest. The younger man scanned the room, but his eyes darted back to James a second later.

"Yes, Legend." Chief James Hector retorted. He sighed under his breath, then smiled at the men. "I figured we could have a reasonable conversation before, things get a little out of hand outside of these four walls." James added.

Both men stared at him, almost as if they searched for hidden lies tucked behind the Chief's words. Who would have thought that the Chief would entertain the idea of working with Cartersville's two notorious kingpins? James knew this was a risky move on his part to even propose working with these men, but he wanted to do what would be best for the citizens of Cartersville. Or at least, that's what the mayor said would happen.

"What you mean, before things get out of hand?" Rales asked, "The way I see it, shit already hit the fan." He chuckled then added, "But that ain't something you don't already know."

"I know Rales, that's why I invited you both here," James retorted as he weaved his fingers together. He waited a few moments to analyze the way each man watched him intently. He could tell Legend calculated his every move, almost as if anticipating his next. An after hours meeting behind everyone's back was putting him at risk of losing his job anyway. Especially when the meeting called for him to sit down with both Legend and Rales at the same time. "As we all know you two have a tight hold on this city," James said. "Although, I can't say it's wanted." He added.

"You know," Rales intervened, causing Legend to glare in response. Rales adjusted himself in his seat, then smiled, "it's hard to take you serious, Chief. First, you bring us here to discuss some bullshit," Rales pressed his hands against the freshly polished tabletop, and rose from his leather chair, 'Now, you want us to work with you?"

"Correct." James answered.

Rales kissed his teeth, "Please. I'd let my own distro kill me before I work wit a pig."

"It's not about working with the police. This is about laying down the groundwork for a future everyone in Cartersville can benefit from." James insisted. "Death and gun violence has become a normality in this town, and innocent lives are lost daily. Just think about your wife and so—" His sentence fell on deaf ears, when Rales flung himself around the table, and yanked James from his seat by his collar.

"Leave my family out of dis!" Rales spat, his lips burning with venom. James clawed at Rales' hands, prying them from his neck. When Rales noticed this, he shoved James away and stuck his finger in his face. "I do what I can to keep them safe, and last I checked, that don't concern you." Rales snarled.

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