shifting tips (for beginners) !

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some helpful things to know!


CR - current reality: the reality you are in at the time.

OR - original reality: the reality you are in right now and which you shift from to begin with.

DR - desired reality: where you are shifting to, whether that be a TV show or a more desirable version of your OR.

WR - waiting room: not exactly needed to shift but helpful, it is a place for you to perhaps finish your script if you haven't completed it or haven't even made one (having a script is not a necessity when it comes to shifting although is very useful)

TR - temporary reality: if you're only intending on shifting somewhere for a short time before somewhere else.



signature scent, something for people to recognise you by; if you're an idol or famous figure you could have a perfume brand of your signature scent in different variations! (this is not needed but rather just for fun, you don't need to have one at all.)



jobs !! if you're planning on having one script what your job is, where you are in the business (e.g CEO or general manager) what tasks you do, what the workplace is like, who your coworkers are and what they are like & what your off days are like. (it'd be useful to script out unfair treatment and harassment in the workplace.)



scripting out social issues is important. having things like racism/islamphobia/classism/homophobia/transphobia/xenophobia in your *desired* reality is odd, especially if you're using these things to be seen as a saviour. there's no point to keeping things like that and it shouldn't exist in our OR in the first place, let alone your DR.



you can script things like being good at fighting, never being awkward, always having comebacks for everything. if you're famous script things like the paparazzi never taking bad photos of you, nobody knowing where you live, never embarrassing yourself on stage or in general etc. these aren't necessary but it can improve your experience there!



don't go into it with the mindset of 'trying to shift' and rather think of it as 'going to shift'; confidence is key! you will shift. throughout the day, make positive manifestations to help get into the right mental state to shift. you don't need to follow any methods and can make your own, what works for you works for you and there's no rules for shifting. so long as you have confidence you will be able to shift. if you don't make it to your DR the first try, that's perfectly fine. it can take time for you to be able to go there but just keep trying but perhaps not daily as you may drain your energy.



if you are changing appearances it may be easier for you to visualise yourself by illustrating things like clothing, hairstyle/hair colour etc. or to list traits of yourself. ignore this if you're staying how you look in your CR.



safe word! if you ever need to go back to your OR unplanned, it's best you have a safe word that you'll remember. it may be better to script one, it doesn't have any requirements and could be a sentence or just a noise.


that's all (for now), have fun with your DR and remember; there's no rules to shifting !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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