Chapter One

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AN: This is my first story I'm going to wright and publish so don't comment so harshly please, thank you :) give a big shout out to Jennifer A. Nielsen!!! 

I jolted awake having the sound of soldiers jogging outside, I grimmest and pulled myself up. I looked back at were I was sleeping, 

"Oh, I'm sleeping on the ground, instead of on the bed that is RIGHT next to me." I murmured to myself. 

While I was strapping on my sword to my waist, I heard a voice coming from outside. 

"Captain Idra, excuse me but I would like to talk to you. May I come in?" I heard my lieutenant's gruff voice outside.

"Yes, you may." I called out. A man around his forties entered the tent, he had dark hair and blue eyes, and had a trimmed beard and a decorated uniform. 

"Firstly-" I said confused then got interrupted by him,

"Your grace, that is not a word." 

"Well- IT IS NOW!" I shot back, he let out a sigh and motioned me to continue my sentence.

"FIRSTLY  I just want to know why I am sleeping on the floor!" I asked, He gave me a weird look,

"Because... you... accidentally...fell there... in your sleep?" He said, picking his words very carefully, I nodded at him. 

"Good answer Richard. Now, whats wrong?" He gave me a look. I hate when adults do that.

"We are needed at the south-east border of Carthya as soon as possible, Mendenwals army is going to attack the border of Carthya full blow in a week." He answered. My smile faded when he said those words.

"How many do you mean?" I asked grimly.

"Hundreds of solders." he answered. I looked at the map lying forgotten in the corner of the room, I grabbed it and flipped it to the lieutenants direction. 

"Were are they right now?" I questioned, He squinted and put his finger on Haffinder, I turned it over again. 

"That close?" I asked, he nodded 

"We are here," Richard recalled pointing at the mountains of Carthya, seeing that made me feel sick. "we don't have enough time, we don't have enough time, we don't have enough time!"  my mind screamed.

"Again, They are attacking in a week." He repeated. I relaxed a bit hearing that. 

"Ok, we have a week. Lets get moving!" I said turning toward the things I need to pack, I grabbed a few belongings of mine that I brought like the watch that my older sister Amarinda got me for Christmas and what-not, I heard orders coming from Richard as I grabbed the last thing from my Captains tent that I would need. 

When I emerged from the tent there was all ready a bustling of solders packing, yelling and... that skinny Avenian boy that came to the castle pleading us to come help Carthya. 

"Hey kid, what are you doing here?" I asked, the skinny boy swiveled around surprised,

"By the way, I'm Fink not Kid!" He said in his Avenian ascent, I brushed that aside and grabbed his wrist and dragged him to a wagon.

"OW! do you realize your wearing a gantlet?" He snapped. Boy, this kid is annoying the heck out of me. I swear, he says one more word! 

"what authority do you have to drag me around HUH?" He questioned, OH so he dons't know who I am, I'm going to have a little fun with this, and what I mean by that is make him say sorry!  I swiveled around and leaned down at the boy,

"I am the Captain of the Bymarian guard. Oh, did I add that I'm princess Idra?" I asked almost yelling. Suddenly there was silence around us, the guards all stopped what they were doing and turned to us. Fink noticed the same and looked around, 

"Now get in before I make you." I said, pointing at the wagon and let go of his hand. He obeyed my order and climbed on but apparently he was not done talking.

"Your just like my friend Jaron, you and him always boss me around!" He commented as he sat down. I raised an eyebrow hearing that,

"You know Jaron?" I asked, curious. He nodded and told all of it, how he met him, how he bossed Fink around...  yup sounded like the Jaron I knew, I sometimes called him the king of sass, I sighed and raised a hand for him to stop. He did after a couple of seconds not realizing that I told him to stop. 

"Captain, were leaving very soon!" A guard yelled behind me, I nodded at the guard and turned back to Fink. 

"Get ready to leave, do what you need to do before because we wont stop if you needs to go to bathroom." He nodded and jumped off.

"One thing though, Stop bossing me around!" Fink said to me, I rolled my eyes and walked toward my horse, Arien. A pure black warhorse that I had scene I became the captain of the guard, which was two years ago. I sighed as I stroked Arien's head. 

"Ready to go on another grueling run?" I asked more to myself then to Arien. He shook his head and neighed. I chuckled to myself and jumped onto Arien's back. I slapped the reins and we started to ride out of camp. 

Captain of Byamar GuardWhere stories live. Discover now