Chapter Two

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AN: I'm sorry that took so long, school got in the way and it took a while... Well, enjoy :) 

While the army and I were rushing toward the border, my worries became clearer closer and closer we came to the border of Carthya. Richard came checking on me more than a dozen times asking if I was ok. 

"Yes." I lied when he came to check on me again, Obviously, he saw through me but he didn't mention it, and I'm glad that he did.

"How about you ride up in the back, and let me lead?" He asked. I signed and nodded.

"Yes, Thank you,"  I slowed my horse to a stop, I let my horse walk again when I was around the middle of the line. I signed in relief but that comfort soon ended when Fink interrupted the silence,

"What are you doing all the way here?" I looked at Fink and something in his eyes flickered, was it worry? I didn't have to answer more after that. Luckily he kept silent after that until he was about to open his mouth and then soon closed it and looked at his feet. 

"What is it?" I asked, He looked up again.

"Is it hard to be a princess and a captain at the same time?" He asked quietly, I stood there in shock, this was a question that I never thought he would care to ask before. I sighed,

"Well, yes it is, It's hard to get the guard's respect for you as a captain if you already are a princess. They underestimate you, and make things pretty hard for you." 

"That seems kinda harsh, did they realize that you can be a good captain if they gave you a chance?" I smiled, I guess he wasn't too bad after all. 

"Hey if you ever have the chance, can you teach me how to fight with a sword? I asked the captain of the carthyan guard but he said to get some muscles then come back. "He said glumly. I smiled, 

"If you'll be a good student, then I will." he perked up hearing that, 

"Really?" I shrugged,

"As I said if you're a good student." He nodded, 

"You seem bored, do you want to get on a horse?" 

"Yes!" Fink jumped up on the wagon. 

"All right then jump on!" As soon as he did, I slapped the reins and handed them to him. 

"But I don't know how to control them!" he said worry smothering his voice, he handed it right back to me. I signed and slapped the reins again and the horse started to sprint toward the front of the line. Richard looked at me in confusion.

"You've only been back there for an hour, and who is that?" 

"This is Fink, he's Jaron's friend." I handed him the map, 

"Where are we?" he looked at the map once and pointed at the southeast border. I turned it over and looked up, were there already? I looked around and scanned the map, 

"I don't see it," I admitted, He signed and pointed at the forest. 

"There base is a mile in the forest, you won't see it from here. 

"How did we get there so fast?" Fink interrupted, 

"The horses are running at a rather quick pace sir," Richard answered, Fink turned and looked at me, I nodded and acted like I knew that the whole time. 

"Let's start having the horses run, It's better to be earlier than on time especially on a day like this." I reasoned. Richard nodded and he raised one arm, giving the sign we will go faster. 


For fifteen minutes we were jumping over the logs and ducking the tree branches, or should I say right at the last second Fink would duck and I get hit by the branch. 

"Now I think about it, How do all of the men in your army have horses?"  Fink asked curiously, 

"Well, the reason to it is because our kingdom breeds horses, and from that, the horsemen train the steeds to become warhorses, Ow!" I yowled when a branch whapped my face, I could hear Fink laughing at me while he ducked. I growled 

"That's why Idra, you should were a helmet!" I said to myself as I grabbed my helmet and put it over my head, now whenever Fink ducked a loud clang came from the helmet and the tree branch which at first scared the heck out of Fink. 

"I'm bored!" Fink whined, I signed and slapped the reins harder and we began on a full gallop, Richard soon caught up to me with the men behind them. 

"I see something!" Fink said pointing ahead of us, and we suddenly came thundering into a clearing of the Carthyan army's camp, all of the Carthyan's stopped and turn to us. I pulled the reins and raised my hand and all of the Bymarian guards stopped their horses. 

"Captain! The Bymarians are here!" One of the Carthyan's yelled. A boy around my age with dirty blond hair and green eyes comes out of the captain's tent, 

"How old is he?" I wondered

"Roden's 17!" Fink answered out loud

"Fink?" Roden called out, Fink jumped off the horse and ran toward Roden and gave him a huge hug, or half a hug because Roden jumped back a little. I got off Arien and walked toward the two boys. Fink pointed at me,

"That's the captain, her name is Idra! She's the princess of Bymar!" He said as I took off my helmet.

"Did you know she's going to teach me how to swords fight?" Fink said. I glared at Fink,

"I said if you're a good student! I never said yes though." I snapped, 

"By the way, are you Jaron's sidekick? I can imagine that easily, you knew him so probably!" He just gave me a grin and walked away. I sighed and looked at Roden and I held out my hand. 

"Hello, I'm Idra. It's a pleasure to meet you." His hand wavered a moment but he took it and stiffly shook it. 

"Yes. Thank you for coming early," He said. His eyes were like the color of freshly grown grass, like Jarons except with no mischievous gleam, instead, they had a force that I have never seen before.  

I hope I don't have any problems with Roden. Because if I did, I don't know what will happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2022 ⏰

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