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Otto Octavius x Reader

Summary: The reader is a ghost that forgot her past, forgetting everything except her name and age.

~Author's POV~

(Y/n) watched as the new owner placed his bags down on the ground. This was her time, she thought. She came to him when his back was turned.

'He- I'm-' she stuttered. She breathed out. 'Hi, I'm (y/n)'.

When the man turned around, he jumped back. He looked shocked.

'Oh please, I won't hurt you. I just want to talk, please'.

'Your- you're a ghost'.

'Expecting someone else'?

'Just not a- ghost'. It broke the girl's heart a bit.

'So, what's your name'?

'Otto... Otto Octavius'.

She was intoxicated by the name. It reminded her of an Octopus but it was cute.

'Am I able to- you know'.

'I don't know, I never met a human that spoke to me this long'.

'Will I hurt you'?

'No'. She shook her head.

'Will you hurt me'?

'No'. She shook her head again.

Their hands met but (y/n)'s went right through his hand.

'It's... cold'. She pulled her hand away.

'I guess that's how ghosts are'.

As Doctor Otto Octavius stayed, (y/n) hung around and watched him, usually from afar.

Day by day she watched him slowly and slowly build something big. She was fascinated.

'(Y/n)'? She hummed in response and watch him remove his goggles. 'May I ask... h-how you died'?

'I- I don't remember'.

'Your parents'? She shook her head.

'I guess that's one of the other things being a ghost'. She watched the mechanics on the table. 'W-what are you making'?

'A project on fusion. These arms will help me'.

'Looks dangerous'. He chuckled.

'It does but I've been doing this my whole life. I'm pretty sure my calculations are correct. I'm having a party tomorrow night'.

'Really? Can I come'?

Otto thought. She was a ghost and it would be... strange to others unlike him. It broke his heart.

'(Y/n)- I-'

'Yeah I know I know. D-do you have a- date'? She strutted. He shook his head. 'I can be your date. I'm a great dancer'.

Otto thought it charming but still... it would be strange to others. As much as he wanted for her to be his date... it can never be.

(Y/n) watched as slowly he worked himself to sleep. He looked calmer when there was nothing on his mind.

'Otto'? She whispered. She received a hum in response but he didn't move. 'Can I keep you'?

'Sure', he whispered sleepily back. She gently kissed his forehead. '(Y/n)... close the window, it's cold'.

From above, she watched him sleep at his desk. She knew that would be painful in the morning but there wasn't much she could do.

The next morning, (y/n) waited and watched as Otto picked out his suit and arranged the place to people's liking. She can tell that he was nervous but it was a normal thing.

She paced. She definitely looked like a teenager when a ghost but she was in her 20's believe it or not.

'What are you all nervous about'?

'I'm nervous for you for some reason, I can see your own nervousness'.

'Is it that obvious'?

'A little bit. You've been running around the place'.

Otto has to say that was very true. He was very nervous. He's been running around fixing small details just in case someone might spot it. (y/n) giggled.

'You don't need to be so nervous. I'm sure the party will be great'. He nodded, feeling a little bit better.

What was the most embarrassing thing for him was that he didn't have a date. Let alone a wife to introduce to the guests. There was a knock on the door. (y/n) walked away and out of sight, she knew that it would be strange to some or most.

(y/n) listened to the music downstairs. She looked out into the night sky and breathed in the fresh air.

'You love him, don't you'? Seth pointed it out

(Don't judge, I love the movie Casper too much, the ending was cute when Casper and Kat was dancing)

'I can grant you one wish'. (y/n)'s eyes widened and she looked up. 'You deserve it, you've been well behaved these couple of centuries, it's the least I can do for a friend but of course, it will all end'.

'So it's like a Cinderella kind of thing, I get until midnight then'?

'That should give you an hour to spend it as you please'. (y/n) was a bit disappointed that she didn't have more time but it was better than nothing.

(y/n) walked down the stairs, her white dress lightly dragging behind her. She received some smiles and little head bows and she made her way through the crowd of people and to Otto who was sitting in the corner with his blueprints.

She stopped in front of him. Soon he slowly looked up. He had a look of confusion on his face. (y/n), however, just smiled and extended her hand for his, asking for a dance without words. Slowly, Otto put his blueprints down and grabbed her hand.

She led him to the middle and placed her hands on each of his shoulders. Otto was still confused and he didn't know what to say. She looked familiar to him but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Otto nearly tripped over his own feet when he noticed that his feet was no longer on the ground but they were both hovering a little off the ground. (y/n) giggled. The guests were shocked at what they were seeing and not one moved.

'I told you I was a good dancer'. Otto looked up to the girl. 'Can I keep you'?

'(y/n)'? She smiled and he knew.

This is the first Alfred Molina character one shot I did. Hope you like it. If you have any requests, please don't heisiate. Alfred Molina needs some more fanfics on WattPad, seriously, I read every one🙄

24 January 2022

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