Mishaps and Mayhem

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Once the van stopped, I fidgeted until Kael got out and I burst past him into the house, hugging Dad who waited just inside the door. Part of my soul relaxed because he was still here, and okay. Still, I snuggled closer, recognizing he needed this hug just as much as I did. I never went to the mountains without him.

Dad released me after tightening his arms for a moment, which I copied, and we stepped back with relieved smiles. Then I danced around him, talking a mile a minute about what happened while we were away. Asher and Zane lurked in the doorway, having been the last to come inside. I did not mention the intimate moments involving my mates and me, but I did spill my guts about almost everything else.

When I reached the part about the feral wolves coming back with us, Dad quirked his brow, crossing his arms while he gave me a stern look. Stubbornly, I raised my chin, challenging him with narrowed eyes. Auri stepped between us, laughing because he knew neither of us would back down. "She is more stubborn than you, David. And that was before she had something to protect. Do not forget, son, Melody challenges me," Auri laughed, and Dad snorted.

"Is it really so hard to call ahead?" Dad demanded after a moment, and I wilted. That's the second time I forgot to call in two days. I am horrible at this. When I met his gaze, guilt heavy on my heart, Dad sighed then pulled me into another hug. "I'm sorry, munchkin. I keep forgetting you are not every other teenager in the world. A phone is new and a wonder still. Were this discussion happening a month or so from now, the newness would have faded, and it would be fair to growl. It isn't today. However, I can be angry with everyone else involved because they do not have your excuse. And if they dare try to say it was not their place because the wolves belong to your pack, I will throttle them."

I giggled because Auri snapped his teeth, pretending he intended to do just that with a wink. "Really, Dad?" My father demanded, whirling around with an indignant huff. My giggling grew worse because of it, and Dad narrowed his eyes then feigned he intended to tickle me, so I squealed and danced out of his reach.

Because I retreated towards my mates, Dad sighed then banished his irritation to give them a loving smile and opened his arms in invitation. Asher looked like he might cry as did Zane, then they burst into Dad's arms, snuggling as close as they could. My heart overflowed with love to witness so tender a moment, and I noticed Auri appeared moved too which made me smile. It was rough for a bit, but my grandfather and father accepted and loved the twins like family.

Mom heard the commotion and came to greet us which filled me with delight. I burst into her arms the instant I saw her, and she hugged me almost too tight, but I did not mind. It meant she missed me which was all I wanted. I missed her too and hoped she didn't feel left out. Then a thought occurred to me that had my happiness dimming a little, but I mustered my courage and bit the bullet.

"Um, Mom, I may have caused something to happen without intending it. And I made a promise without consulting you or Daddy. I am so sorry for being so thoughtless, but the moment swept me away, not that I tried to fight it," I rambled, causing Mom to smile while she raised an eyebrow. "Er, the twins kind of got adopted by kittens who will be weaned in a couple weeks. I sort of promised they could bring them here and keep them forever."

Instead of growing angry or scoffing, Mom smiled with delight. "You did!? You found kittens that like werewolves? And they picked the twins as their people? Zane didn't panic, did he? I know he wanted a cat, so I tried to find one that didn't loathe wolves. By the time I realized my search might be fruitless, Zane flinched whenever anyone mentioned cats around him. What did my spinless, scumbag ex do to my son?"

"The prick took Zane to a cat he knew hated everyone other than its person. Little Zane just wanted to pet it and got hurt," I answered with a low growl that Mom echoed. She marched to her youngest son who looked ready to cry, pulling him into a tight hug while she apologized for his suffering. Zane tried to fight his tears, but succumbed after a moment, and hugged Mom so tight his arms shook.

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