Work Away the Memory

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"You useless piece of shit!" I heard Grisha half yell half stutter out in his drunken anger. "You fucking cock-sucker! You're no good to this family!"

I was going to leave. I needed to leave. I turned to run to the door but was held back by a strong force grabbing my collar. I felt my body slam onto the ground that was coated in shattered glass from countless empty bottles of beer that had been thrown around. I felt the glass press into my skin and shred my back.

"Oh you're trying to leave me too? Just like your shit - for nothing mother?" I felt a kick in my side. I curled into a fetal position and guarded my face with my arms. "It's your fucking fault she's dead!" He yelled at me." She should be glad though! Glad she didn't have to see her son was a faggot!" He kicked my side again.

"S-she wouldn't have c-cared." I defended my mother. "P-please.... don't." I choked out the words as the blows were continuing.

"Begging? Really Eren?" He spat my name out like poison. "Tch. You aren't worth my damn time! Get up and out!" He yelled at me and landed a final kick to my side. "I won't have any of your kind here. Out!" He kicked me once more and walked out of the room.

I couldn't feel my legs and my lungs felt like they were on fire. I tried to move but I couldn't. The glass that had lodged itself into my skin slowed me. It was pressed in further by the movement my body created with the blows. I knew if I didn't move he'd only become more furious. Slowly, ever so slowly I stood and limped to my bathroom to inspect the damage. All I saw was red.

Eren woke with a small gasp. He moved his hands around his torso feeling no bruises, just the thin lines that had scarred him from his own razors edge. He was glad not to be able to feel the ones on his back because they're stories were twisted and dark ones from his own father. They ranged from belt marks to the ones from broken glass. He shouldn't fear those scars, after he had moved away from the violence his father created.

"God it's been 3 years. I moved so I should be over it." Eren sighed and sat up. He glanced at the clock hanging on his wall. The saw it was 4:30 AM. Slowly he stood up from his bed. Well, what could be a bed.

In reality it was just two mattresses piled in the middle of his room. He didn't have much furniture, unless counting his 6 moving boxes which were bending under the pressure of being used as tables, drawers, and laundry hampers. He didn't have the money to get real furniture and he didn't have the job to get the money and he didn't have the education for a better job. He was lucky to snag a few new jobs since he moved from his small town in Germany to Trost, Arizona. He got to work at Ral's coffee shop on the corner of Maria and Sina from 6 to 11. From 1 to 7 he worked for a small bookshop owned by a rather old lady on Rose Lane. He had a busy schedule, sure, but now he had bills to keep up on and he needed to get a degree in some business.

Sighing again, Eren made his way into his kitchen to make some coffee only to find that he was out. After muttering quite a few curse words under his breathe he trudged back to his room to start getting ready for work in an hour and a half. He began his daily routine of showering, getting dressed, styling his hair that would actually never be tame and finally grabbing a piece of bread and heading out the door.

Because he didn't have a car he had to walk a mile to get to work so he left at 5:35 to make sure and get there on time. Thankfully no one was out at this moment so they wouldn't see him in a state that looked near a corpse's. He made it to work at 5:53. He slowly pushed open the old door and walked into the small diner, being greeted by the smell of coffee.

It was a retro theme with red and white everything. The counters were white with red stools under them, the booths had a mix of red and white tabletops and white and red booths. It was a nice little diner, perfect place to work as it wouldn't be a very busy place. At least that's what the owner, Petra, had told him.

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