vampire academy's Rose Hathaway from arizona?? who knew? I did!(first story!)

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(authors note. very important that you read this first!) hey guys this story is set when in last sacrifice when rose and dimitri are coming from the library to see what sidney has come up with for finding out more about lissa's sibling. this story is what could have happened if rose met lissa in the 9th grade and lived in phx arizona in the summer when st. vladimires kids go home for summer break if that ever did happen which it didnt. anyway this is what could have happened if rose, dimitri and sydney ran into roses old friends from az(PLEASE COMMENT I WANNA KNOW IF I SHOULD KEEP GOING WITH THE STORY)......................................................Roses pov.                                             when dimitri and I spotted sydney we both sat down and wondered silently what she did or didnt find out. "so did you find out anything interesting since we've been gone?" i spoke for the both of us."nope no luck and because of your little runnaway stunt you pulled we have to find a new hotel to spend the next couple of nights at while I try to get more information" she said with a frown. I started to feel just alittle bad because Dimitri had the same expression on his face and i knew he was just as tired as i was." i really am sorry guys. i just didnt think you'd go for my idea at finding Lissa's sibling." " well maybe next time you should ask before you go running like a mad woman through the woods." he said but this time i got one of those rare smiles from him. the ones i havent seen of much since the change. I smiled in return and said" I'll try to remember that next time." I feel so bad now that i think about what i did. i mean it really was sorta stupid to run through the woods like that but hey its already done so there no changing it now. I just wish i new where we could stay. imean we- WAIT and then i remebered my friends from home. When st. vlad kids left home for summer break i lived in arizona. phx arizona to be exact. Of course i had nowhere else to go because of my mom being a guadian and everthing,so i stayed with friends. they were my best friends till  i met lissa of course. theyre names are david, jenny, and erik. we still talk now and then but not as often with how crazy my life has been lately but i think now is as good a time as any. the reason why i say that is because my friends have that "gift" that gives them an insight on the world not very many other people have. well except for people like rhonda and dimitri's grandmother. i never really belived in it myself untill recently all the things those "special" people were saying sort of came true. thats when it accurd to me that they might be able to help me. i just needed a phone." hey syd, can i use your phone?" i asked with a smile. " i dont think so Rose.  Abe gave me strict orders i cant-" "please sidney i would ask if i didnt think it would help with our situation." i said with yet another smile. Dimitri's face was blank but his eyes held suspision. either way i ignored him and held my hand out for sidney's phone. after a long anxtious look, she finally handed it over. As i was beginning to stand up i was yanked back into the seat now facing a very unhappy Dimitri."and where do you think your going?" he asked" where dose it look like im going?" i said sarcasticly. "i dont think so. if your going to make a phone call you do it here. i dont want to run after you again if you decide to make a break for it." after i gave him a glare i sat back down in the seat knowing that this was the best offer i was going to get i began to dial david's number. that god i still remembered it. after the fourth ring he picked up. "hello?" he sounded like he had just got done from laughing so hard. "David its Rose." i said " Rose long time no talk what's up? HEY GUYS ROSE IS ON THE PHONE!" I heard him say and following that was a big round of reallys?,seriously's? and what's! i began to laugh because i was just remembering how goofy they used to be."um im in a bit of a mess and was wondering that if i came for a vist, that you could help me with some stuff." i said kind of worrying if he would say no because we havent talked in so long. but my worry was short lived because there wasnt even a pause when he said" yeah rose of course you know im always here to help. all of us are." " thanks you guys. oh and i really hate to just barg in but i have two friends with me and was wondering if we could spend a couple of nights at the house till we figure some things out." i said even more nervous because i REALLY wanted to sleep in a real bed again at some point. " the Rose i know and love wouldn't mind at all barging in but yeah. its no problem you know that." " really?" i was still sort of stunded that he said hey said yesso fast. " yes rose how many time do i have to say it? but what exactly do you need my help?"he said " i need help with the future and where to find a certain someone." he laughed on the other line" i can only imagine what you got yourself into." i rolled my eyes while sydney and dimitri gave me a questioning look. i just shook my head." ok when will you be here?" he asked" um within 48 hours. that sound good?" "yeah see ya rose ill tell jenny and erik your coming and get the guest rooms ready." he said in between laughs. " k see you later love ya bye n thanks again." i said. after a few years it was normal to say i love you to each other because we didnt feel anything twards each other except friendship. but that didnt stop dimitri from giving me a glare. " like i said no problem and love ya too, bye!" i hung up and now had to tell dimitri and sydney what was going on." it looks like all of the answers we need are in my home town." i said uncertain of what they'd say. "and that is?" dimitri said with a worried look in his eyes he could only get from not know what was going on but there was curiosity in there too for some reason. "arizona comrade. phx arizona". i said with a smile.                                                                                       (THANK YOU GUYS FOR READING. I HAVE TO SAY THOUGH, PROPS TO RICHELLE MEAD FOR WRIGHTING THE VAMPIRE ACADEMY NOVELS! thank you thank you, thank you for reading! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT! THIS IS MY VERY FIRST STORY SO I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AND IF I SHOULD CONTINUE THE STORY! SO I WANNA KNOW BECAUSE I DONT WANNA KEEP WRITING IF IT SUCKS! LOVE YA! )         

vampire academy's Rose Hathaway from arizona?? who knew? I did!(first story!)Where stories live. Discover now