chapter #3

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(authors note: hey guys sorry i havent wrote in a really long time but im back now. i want more comments people! haha. thanx for reading.;).............)                                        Dimitri's pov.....................................  i crept from behind her catchng her off guard as i knew i would. i had no idea why she was not scared of me. it was quite foolish of her be so inviting of me. none the less, i reached her pulling her hair back, exposing her neck. i simply couldnt wait so i took a breath smelling her bloods sweet scent before drinking from her once again. " please dont" rose said sounding scared for once. Her plea didnt stop me but only made me smile. and then i pierced her skin and heard her scream..................I woke up with my breath caught in my throat. that had to be the tenth time i had a dream i was strigoi again. and in these dreams, it always involed me hurting Rose in someway. i could never forgive myself for hurting the thing i loved most in the world, even it wasnt QUITE me before. Though she could. i didnt understand it for the life of me. when i think about what i did : trying to kill her...trying to turn her strigoi as well...feeding from could she forgive me so easily? was she deluding herself? or had she truly forgiven the strigoi me? the smell of food sidetracked me from my thinking when i realized just how hungery i really was. i got out from my bed, brushed my teeth. then i noticed that i didnt have any fresh clothes. i saw a folded paper on the nightstand and read the handwriting i had know to be Roses. it said there are some clothes your size- well hope are your size, i guessed. haha. -in the closet. when you get dressed come down stairs for breakfast, Rose. i did as the note said and when to the giant closet to see months worth of clothes that DID look like they would fit. i dressed in all black and saw another note on what looked like a jacket. it was a duster- no two of them. the note read thought you would like em. dont thank me, Rose. they were both black but slightly different. one was leather and the other was a sort of fabric that you could wear in rain and didnt seep through the jacket. i put the leather one on and walked down the stairs, the delicious smell getting stronger. i entered the kitchen to see everyone awake. i guess i really needed to sleep, but i cant keep doing that i need to be alert and awake as much of the time as i possibly could. To my suprise i saw Rose in the kitchen cookin. i didnt know she could cook. I had no idea what she WAS cooking but it smelt like whatever it was, i was getting seconds of. Rose simply smiled when she saw that i was in the room. Seeing her smile like that on acount of me just brightened my day. "goodmorning" i said , being polite speaking to everyone. "hey Dimitri. You can sit down, were making Rose cook." said David i think was his name. i chuckled saying" for what reason? lose a bet?" "No" rose said sticking her tongue out at me. "no we voted" said the girl named jennifer. followed by that was the sound of sydney snickering. "need help?" i asked Rose in hopes that me helping her would give me a reason to talk with her casually. my hope soon faded when she said" nope, almost done. but you could set the table for me." i did. and while i did, i was thinking about how it could have been. she was almost MINE. she used to love ME. now it was all about Ivashkov. i knew i didnt deserve another shot seeing how happy he seemed to make her. i mean did she love him the way she loved me once? or was it for comfort that she began to date him? either way i will never again get my chance. my moment had passed me by and for that i regret not just running into her arms the moment i changed back into a dhampir. i regret pushing her away telling her that my love for her had faded. i had been so idiotic! i should have told her then and there what she ment to me- means to me. but how could she believe me? after all we had been through i wish she had seen through the lie. And Adrian is now the person she will come to when she needs comfort when something is troubling her. if only-"BREAKFAST IS DONE" Rose shouted so that everyone could hear her. unfortunatly stopping my sulking thoughts. everyone came to the huge table to eat. it all looked delicious and tasted even. as a strigoi you no longer need to eat regular food to eat. ever since i came back from the world of the living dead, i had a new appretiation for the little things in my life. the smells, the food, the beauty......."so Rose what kinda of trouble have you gotten into lately that has brought you here?" asked Erik.....................................................(authors note: hope you guys liked the look inside dimitris head for a change and see how hes dealing. tell me what you think of the chapter! lv ya! ;)

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