The Most Forgivable Bean

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For someone who always says sorry, you are the most forgivable person that I have ever met
You are the one person that i've met that says sorry the most
but one of the people that i've met that have the most beautiful soul
With most people that say sorry over and over
at some point it feels like they don't mean it
but every time you say it. you can feel the emotion and meaning that you put into those two words
while for me to forgive most people
i usually hold a grudge,
it takes me nearly no time to forgive you, like i can't stay upset with you
either i have a sweet spot for you, or,
no, i just had a sweet spot for you
your sweet voice
the candor you carry
that fluff-able hair
the mere thought of you perks me up

these past few days of us three talking have made me so happy
so very happy
everything about you guys just brings me so much joy

from the little sayings (oob spoob!)
to the interesting and not interesting conversations we have
everything that is exchanged between us is treasured by me
and i hope it is enjoyed by we

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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