Chapter 1: The Lord of Darkness

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*Whoosh* was the sound the doors made as a man in golden armor pushed them open and walked into the darkness filled room.

"Reveal thyself Dark Lord!" He yelled as he unsheathed his sword and held it in a ready stance.

"Well...," came a voice from the shadows. "If you insist."

As soon as these words were said, blue pillars of flame lit up all around the room revealing the once unknown, massive interior of the space to the warrior. In front of him lay a large staircase that led straight to the owner of the voice from the shadows. Upon a silver and black throne sat a cloaked man with a beard, mustache and a cocky look on his face.

"Not that I didn't expect you," the cloaked man said getting into a more comfy position on his throne. "But welcome to the palace of darkness O' Great hero chosen by the gods."

The hero pointed his sword up at the cloaked man on the throne. "I have come to defeat thee and stop thy reign of terror on this world Dark Lord," he said.

"Oh, I'm flattered," the dark lord said with a fake smile. "I can't believe the gods would choose a hero and send them after little old me. It's... humbling."

"Cut the crap you remorseless scum!" The hero said angrily, losing the "thy" and "thee" talk altogether. "You've killed 124 heroes before me, so don't go acting all humble when you talk about how infamous you are."

"Augh," the dark lord said in annoyance. "Now you've gone and done it; you've ruined my big villain moment. Now you shall pay dearly." He pushed a section of his cloak off his shoulder and stood up. "I shall rule this world, and this palace will be your final resting place Hero! For this next battle will bring your demise."

The hero raised his sword and yelled back, "You will never take over this world so long as I'm alive!"

"Then let's change that," the dark lord said as he snapped his fingers and a katana appeared at his side. He unsheathed this katana and got into a ready stance. "Come at me with everything you got hero."

The dark lord's cocky remark didn't amuse the hero one bit, and he answered back by saying, "With pleasure."

And with that, the fight began: The dark lord took to the skies while raining black fireballs down on the hero. The hero slashed at these black flames and cleaved them in half. The dark lord had this, and he taunted at the hero to come join him in the sky. In response to this, the hero jumped and took to the skies as well. The dark lord blasted off the roof above them, and they both rose higher into the air.

"Take a look around," The dark lord said gesturing to the miles of land around them. "Everything within sight will be mine for the taking once I defeat you."

"That will never happen," the hero retaliated. "Because I will defeat you before that occurs." He raised his sword and charged.

The dark lord easily blocked this approach with his katana and pushed the hero back. He slashed is katana and the hero dodged backwards. The hero quickly put distance between him and the dark lord as he drew his bow. He shot five arrows that the dark lord easily dodged.

"If you wouldn't mind," the dark lord said plainly. "Can't you take this a little more seriously?"

"I am," the hero said as he redrew his sword and put his bow on his back.

He rushed at the dark lord and and slashed his sword. The next event that occurred was completely unexpected, and it shocked the hero: the dark lord caught his strike with nothing but his bare hand.

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