Loving Captivity: Human Pets of Talin by R K Munin

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Y'all. This series is extra cute and sweet. Aliens collect humans as pets because they love to cuddle them. They have handbooks on how often humans need to be hugged. I loved it so so much!

Eventually there's a lot more than cuddles happening because this is a sci-fi romance book.

It is available on kindle unlimited. You should go read it asap.


Here's the blurb:

"Searin, Prime Son of Talin and one of two potential next monarchs, is suffering the early effects of the Fading—losing his appetite. The next step will be to lose interest in working before lying down and waiting to die. Those afflicted with the Fading are treated as if suffering from a shameful, self-inflicted disease. They're considered weak among the Talin, where love and bonding are strictly prohibited for "the good of the species."

Searin is desperate enough to borrow his good friend's pet human for quick cuddles to stave off the Fading. Humans are popular pets among the Talin. Perceived as weak, needy, and fragile, they're rarely sold, even when they become old and infirm. They're prized possessions among his species.

Because humans need so much affection—according to Talin doctrine—to stay healthy and happy, there's no shame in cuddling or comforting a human pet. Finally, Searin decides he needs one of his own and considers himself fortunate when he finds Sora at the auction house. With the human home world Earth long ago destroyed, humans are rare and scattered across the galaxy in small communities. This little female is a prize, and he hopes she'll come to trust him despite her previous experiences."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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