Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Arthur Pierre POV

Common Room, Amos, Yellow Zone 14

January 5, 2070

5:08 AM

It's been a long time since Griffin dissolved huh. I guess I do miss all of the girls. This contract for a raid on the Paradeus camp will be tough but with my two echelons and IFV, it'll be easier. The camp consisted of a fortified abandoned town. They used air raid sirens to attract infected to populate the camp but two heavily guarded tunnel exits as entrances. I get up from the catch moving to the command room. Once there, I make up a holographic 3d recreation of the camp using the command table. The plan is to have Echelon A and B go through entrance A in the northeast, they will infiltrate into the main camp, A Echelon will gather intel then B Echelon will torch the entire camp. Helena will stay here under the care of Mayling. I sigh. When did my plans become this brutal? Oh. I remember after being tortured by KCCO back then but I massacred them until I was covered in human flesh, guess it just became a habit.

God... My back hurts! I need to rest but I guess there is no rest for the wicked. I take four bottles of whiskey from the nearby mini-fridge and gulp 1 of them quickly. I have paperwork to deal with as I go into my office nearby. I sigh at the long day ahead.

Evelyn Pierre POV

First Commander's Quarters, Administrative Dorms, Azur Lane-Pearl Base Base

March 10, 2029

6:00 AM

I yawn as sunlight hits my face, what a beautiful day to kick Siren ass. I get up and stretch my arms hearing the audible and satisfying pops. Now, what should I have today? It is my vacation today. I hear my door open and I go to check it.

"Ohh, master Evelyn, I see you're awake already. I was about to just wake you up. Would you like tea as usual?" Belfast asks me.

"Coffee, please!! And sandwiches," I respond by asking for sandwiches.

"Fine, commander. You should curb your coffee addiction," She says, clearly concerned for me and my long-lost twin brother's addiction to the nectar known as coffee which we inherited from my father.

I sigh, just thinking about him gets me pretty upset. Man, was he the pretty cool nice kid at school, if only the Sirens didn't fucking show up that day!! God, he would have probably taken over dad's job instead of me. I stare into the roof before Belfast comes to me with the food she made in the kitchen.

"Master, is there something bothering you? You can always tell me anything wrong." She asks me.

"I was just wondering about my long-gone twin brother. But I'm fine now, just remembering my childhood," I responded smiling.

"Ok master, if you say so. But what are your plans today?" Belfast asked me.

"I'm gonna just do some light shopping then laze around!" I told her.

"Ok, master, I'll be leaving now," She told me while heading to the door.

"Be safe!!!" I shout while hearing the door close.

I get up to take a shower.

Arthur POV

Unknown (Siren-Paradeus) Faction Camp, Yellow Zone 15

I sigh as the lasers nearly miss me. I run towards another piece of cover. How did they have plasma? I thought these were unruly bandits!! I open fire with my 7.62 Galil Ace killing a few.

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