One: The Second Encounter

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"I'm not my sister!"

"But you will be!"

Tears. Screams. Excruciating gazes. Screams. Tears. It's an exhibition, a museum, full of these things. And its only intention is to come across—for the things to come across to each other.

But museum arts don't force you to understand.

"Listen. You can't cut wings before it even grows."

"But you don't need wings! You're a human!"


Both of them looked sharply into each other's eyes, with a gaze so piercing it strikes their souls.

"Well, if that's the limitation of humans... then I won't be a human."

Third Person's Point of View
It was another usual day, where the birds outside chirp as if a choir, the autumn leaves fall, the rooster which was brought straight from the province starts to crow, which is not so usual in a dormitory setting, but that's that, and a roommate trying to wake you up until they give up and just leave by themself... wait? Leave by themself?

"Aah!" Shouted a grubby looking girl who was, until now, just dreaming of vampires and had an eerie smile upon her lips. "What time is it... what time is it... clock... where the hell are the clocks in this place?!" she screamed again. "F*ck." she mumbled.  Why did no one wake me up?! She grumbled in her mind. Even though there was, apparently, someone who tried to wake her up.


It was a sunny, cozily nice afternoon, filled with the smell of various flowers present in the landscape the girl hurriedly runs on, while mumbling to herself, so far already countless, curse words.

Meanwhile on her destination classroom, a ring, for an alarm, echoed—and it's a rather deafening one that made the room cramped with people suddenly beaming.

The sophisticated and tall man sitting atop the broad table in front of the enormous white board—which only acted as an embellishment made just to emphasize the man, as if he was in a film. "That'd be... a full ten minutes." the man finally chortled, as to why he did, and what he meant, everyone is ignorant.

Until one bold student finally succumbed to the urge and asked, "Uhm, s-sir? Professor? Are you... our? I mean, uhm... what's our agenda for today?" the poor little shy guy approached.

Smile dawned upon the man in a fetchingly white suit's lips. "You think you're relevant?" he uttered, still with a smile.

The guy, along with the whole room, entered a state of haywire. Some mumbled, whispered, a few chuckled, and several were appalled and took pity for the innocent guy. But no one raised a motion against the man.

And the man, fully aware of the commotion brewing, continued, "No. I mean. Are you relevant? Are you all relevant? Do you even know what you came here for?"

Silence went on for dreading seconds. Until someone coughed, and argued, "Sir. If you may excuse my rudeness, but, I assume you do realize what school this is? And exactly what kind of students are enrolled here in this school, and sitting right at this very room. I've been here for years, and not once did a professor humiliated another person, well, at least without any valid and logical basis, that is." she brazenly spoke.

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