part 38 (long drive)

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In police station,

Sneha- bhai don't worry Bhai I will take you out soon and i am not leaving u alone here.

Raj- huh forgot me just make that sidharth raichand life hell 👿👿 the only piece i want in my life is to distroy his life.

Snatched his everything relationship make him alone and make him weak again 👿

Sneha - bhai i will do that and we are not going to enjoy his peaceful life.


In night

Sid in his study completing his pending work 😎, after closing his laptop he moved towards there room ,

Suddenly he remember something that make him smile ,


Sid is sitting on his study when Sana came inside holding his coffee ☕ ,
She put it on table😝 with a smile 😊

Sid is so engorsed in work without seeing her he took the coffee and took a sip and again started his work .

Sana smile flew away and she make a angry 😡 face ,

Sana- am I invisible to u😡
Sid look at her raising his eyebrows.🤨

Sana- or nhi to kya you can't even pass me a smile 😊 huh and going to move,

When Sid hold her wrist and pulled her she fall on his lap
Sid pick her 👄 lips.
Sana niether move nor react ,

Sid- squeezing her waist , baby i can only you look holding her face ,in my eyes you can find only your images 😝😝😝.

Sid- squeezing her waist , baby i can only you look holding her face ,in my eyes you can find only your images 😝😝😝

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Sana - hmm bs batein bna lo 🤨🤔😏
Only work work you don't have time for me know 😞

Sid bite her plumpy cheeks making her red ♥️
Sid- ok now my whole time for u closing the laptop 💻 .

Sana giggle 🤭
Sid smile
Sana while playing with his shirt button Sid is busy in tracing his fingers in her tummy.

Sana- pata h i also think na that we also meet before doing chatting 😝😝, roaming around to each other , have 🍨 icecream with one cup ,you took me for long drive 😝 ,

Kitna maza ata na , clapping her hand excitedly.

Sid laugh 😂😂😂 baby it's teenager works and they are girlfriend boyfriend they are dating,

You want me to date my wife 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Sana with angry face 😡
You are making fun of me 😡😡😡😡

Sid control his laugh seeing her Angry bird .

Sid- no baby not at all but don't you think we had move further rubbing her pouty lips 👄 ,

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