Ch 10- I don't have muscles too!

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Okay I already started writing the other story I was talking about......

Let's finish this book soon....

Long ass chapter coming right up....

Next day

Yesterday they planed proposal but things didn't go as planned.......

"Guys- anyone, wake Kook up. We need to have breakfast before our dance practice or he'll go through another indigestion again. Don't want that to happen." Jin said while continued making some pancakes.

"Okay, I'll go."


"Shut up, Jimin hyung." Jungkook grunted before hiding himself under the covers completely.

"Yah! Is that a way to talk to your brother? I'm older you bastard!" Jimin said as he succesfully pulled the cover off Jungkook with his strength.

"Ah whyyyy?! I wanna sleep-" The maknae whined as he still haven't moved a bit from the bed.

"You better get up now or Jin hyung is gonna whoop your ass, Kook." Jimin crossed his arms, waiting for a respon.

"Yeah, like he'll ever do that. The ass that's gonna get a whoopin here is yours!" Jungkook yelled before he threw a pillow towards Jimin, making him fell backwards before Jungkook ran into the bathroom, locked the door and laughed as loud as he can.

"Fuck- that kid needs a lesson for this I swear to god-"

"Hey, Jimin. Are you okay?"

Jimin turned his head towards the door frame before letting out a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, 'm fine Namjoon hyung. Just that brat again. Oh my god- I think we spoilt him too much." Jimin brushed his trousers as he managed to stand up.

"True." Namjoon agreed. "Meh. Leave him be. He's up already right?" He asked. "Yeah. He went to the bathroom. Probably washing up."

"Okay. Let's eat first. Jin hyung is getting noisy."

"I mean, don't you guys realise that sometimes- or almost everytime we fought for Tae, we'll end up almost breaking our friendship? Like- it is bad, y'know. Yoongi hyung, you're very easily to get jealous, Hoseok hyung is too caring, Jin hyung is overprotective, Jungkook is sometimes possessive which scared me out at times, Namjoon is spoiling him so much and I.. I just sometimes wants him all to myself too."

"Just say you're like me Minnie hyung." Jungkook who showed up at the door frame said. Jimin scoffed at him.

"Nahh.. you're more possessive. And even selfish sometimes! You always got to shower with him!" Hoseok said, arms crossed.

"Well, not my fault my body is the best to look at-"

"Excuse me- My body is better!" Jimin said. "Woah, woah. Um, I have the best body?" Hoseok stated as it was an obvious fact.

"Shut up! Not everyone have abs, my god!" Yoongi pouted. Everyone stood quiet for a second, staring at Yoongi before laughing out.

"Hey, hey. What's so funny?" Jin who heard the laughs went inside the room. Namjoon followed behind, curious as well.

"Yoongi is making cute faces again!" Jungkook continued laughing like it was the must hilarious thing in the world.

"Hey! That's rude! If he wanna be cute, let him be cute!" Jin said in disapproval.

"No! I did not wanna be cute! I was just upset that they're fighting for the best body and I.. ugh- nevermind!" Yoongi huffed before laying on the bed.

"He's sad that he doesn't have abs-"

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