Chapter 6

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*probably misspelled words just bear with me*

"Midge? Midge are you okay", i asked hearing her coughing and she fell in the floor. My eyes widened. I took my phone out dropping to the floor calling 911 and squeezed her arm a bit.

"Hey midge stay with me, yes?", i said and sighed.

"Yes, My...grandmother has been coughing and she just fell out on the floor, i don't know what's happening", I panicked and mia came in dropping all of her bags. She dropped to the floor grabbing midge's hand.

"We are sending an ambulance right away, could you maybe stay on the phone with me until they get there", the lady on the phone said and i responded yes.

"Midge, Midge hey, stay with us please, take deep breaths", i said and she just gasped loudly. I heard the ambulance and got up going to open the door. They came in and i led them to the bathroom. The put her on a bed rolling her out and I grabbed me and Mia's jackets walking out locking the door. We got in the ambulance with her and held her hand.

"Midge, I'm so sorry for leaving you alone", i said and kissed her knuckles sighing closing my eyes.

"Harry it's not your fault, this has been a thing for years, the first time it happened, we were eating dinner and she had a heart-attack and it scared me to death, it happened a few more times after that too", she said and i hummed apologizing again.

"Will she be okay", Mia asked the lady and she hummed.

"We'll have to run some tests first after we get to the hospital and then we'll see", she said and we nodded.
Zayn: Harry if this is about some stupid shit

Me: No, I'm just, could I stay with you guys for a while, I don't know when midge is getting discharged from the hospital and Mia is staying at her boyfriends for a while, i just I need a place to stay for about two days, your mom already said that I could stay I just want to know if it's okay

Zayn: I don't care, just don't come in my room and mess with my shit

Me: thank you, I appreciate it

"What did he say", Mia asked and i nodded.

"He said that I could stay", i said and she nodded.

"What's the address", she asked and I put it in her gps pressing go. After we got some of my clothes we drove to his house and i rang the door bell waiting for someone.

"Hey Harry, come on in", Trisha said and i walked in locking the doors taking my shoes off at the door hanging my jacket up.

"Feel free to take the spare room upstairs", she said and Zayn hummed.

"He can't sleep up there", he said and i just shrugged.

"Trisha it's fine, I can sleep on the couch", i said and she just rolled her eyes.

"Well I made chili for dinner", she said and i chuckled.

"This is the first time you've made something plain", i said and she just laughed.

"I guess", she said and i washed my hands in the sink sitting at the end of the table. She put chili in a bowl sitting it in front of me and i thanked her. I grabbed a piece of bread and started eating humming.

"It's yummy Trisha", i said and she chuckled.

"Thank you, at least someone likes it", she said looking at Zayn and he just sighed.

"Can we just be quiet and eat please", he said and i just hummed. I knew it was directed to me. He always complained about me talking too much. We were eating silently and he sighed loudly.

"Can you stop swallowing so hard", he said annoyed and i just pushed my bowl away a bit sighing.

"Sorry", i said quietly and Trish just looked at him.

"You are so rude, you do not talk to him like that", she yelled and he just grabbed his bowl walking up to his room slamming the door.

"I'm sorry Harry, I don't know what's wrong with him these days", she said and i shrugged.

"It's fine, we all have our days", i said and she just hummed.

"Are you finished", she asked and i nodded.

"I'll wash them", i said and she chuckled.

"You sure", she asked and i nodded.

"Okay thank you Harry", she said and i chuckled. She kissed my cheek walking out of the kitchen to her room and I chuckled. I started washing the dishes and Zayn put his bowl in the sink bumping into me slightly. He walked back up the stairs and i just rolled my eyes. After I finished the dishes. I put the rest of the food away and cleaned the table and counters off. I grabbed my bag walking to the bathroom and walked in closing the door getting in the shower. After I got out I dried off and put my pajamas on walking back to the dining room. I sat on the couch turning the tv on and turned 'the jungle book' on. I grabbed the cover that Trisha put there and got under it watching the movie.

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