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Nobody's POV:

A few months passed by with Ochako and Katsumi both training for the entrance exam using the forest to help them with giant vines attacking them

Katsumi using her quirk to travel in the air and directing her explosions to the giants vines meanwhule Ochako was busy on the ground training to avoid the tree roots while using parkour along with her quirk

Shizen was seeing this and had to admit he was impressed

With that he send out more vines to attack them even more and the sound girls screaming was heard in the forest

Shizen waa busy drinking tea with the Urarakas along with the Bakugous both of the girls Parents enjoying his presence even thought he rarely talks but with him feeling them his adventures with him manipulating the air to form snow making them see what he did through the years

Shizen suddenly had a blank look the reason was because he was stuck in the middle with Ochako snuggling on his left arms while Katsumi was aggressively hugging his right arm and biting on like a chew toy

Shizen didn't mind but if Katsumi continues chewing on his arm he might cause a snow storm early on Japan

With that he took a deep breath and felt like he was part of the air making him intangible that he escaped from his prison of comfort


Shizen then left for a bit while go if up into the skies

Shizen:...I'm going to Italy

Timeskip BTYB chibi Shizen eating pizza on the tower of Pisa

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Timeskip BTYB chibi Shizen eating pizza on the tower of Pisa

As the months passed both Ochako and Katsumi have become more in depth with their quirks along with training their bodies thanks to helping advice from Shizen...whose likely travelling in one of the continents while the two girls are taking their exam for UA

Meanwhile Shizen was seen hanging upside down with a couple of monkeys while eating a couple of fruits

Shizen:...want one?

The monkey happily took the fruit with the others doing the same and hanging out with Shizen in one of the South American rainforests

Meanwhile back with the girls both of them were in the same group for the Practical part of the exam where they had to take down Robots to gain points

As the start of practical finally started we see Both Ochako snd Katsumi doing good while gaining points

Ochako had a total of 56 points while Katsumi total points were 69 close to getting 70 points

But suddenly the sound of something that made the horns shake caused the examinees to see the zero pointer making most of them scream in fear while running away

Katsumi was about to do the same but then she heard the sound of someone's voice that it made her stop moving

???:help someone help me!!

When Katsumi saw Ochako stuck while being in pain and seeing the blood at the side of her head caused Katsumi to use her quirk to get to Ochako not seeing one of the examinees seeing the action that was occurring

Katsumi who finally reached lifted the rubble off of Ochako

Katsumi:Ochako! Are you alright?

Ochako:yeah just a bit in pain and bleeding a bit thanks for asking

Katsumi:come on let's get you out of here

With that She grabbed Ochako gently and getting always as fast as they can but for some reason the Zero pointer didn't stop advancing causing them to panic with Katsumi abkit to use her quirk to get the two of them away but the Zero pointer in spite of its size got to them cause them to hit the ground with Ochako Scremaing even more with Katsumi groaning feeling dizzy

[Targets must be eliminated]

The Zero pointer the nosed his faint metal hand about to crush the two girls with Katsumi getting close to Ochako holding onto her with her eyes closed

But then something stopped the hand from crushing the girls tha it made Katsumi to see


Shizen turned around to see Ochako injured that he snapped his fingers causing a green glow to form around Ochako causing her to have a gentle look on her face

Katsumi also had a glow around her body while she checked her injuries to see them getting healed

Shizen didn't say much but when he turned around he glared with his eyes turning red

Shizen didn't say much but when he turned around he glared with his eyes turning red

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Shizen:you hurt the ones I love you fucker

That's all he said for him to move his hand and clenching it into a fist causing the robot to feel its metal body being compressed

That's all he said for him to move his hand and clenching it into a fist causing the robot to feel its metal body being compressed

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Until it was nothing but scrap metal and blown up causing smoke to form

With that Shizen finally turned around to see that Ochako was awake with him seeing the other examinees staring at him but he focused more on Ochako and Katsumi

Shizen:do you two wanna go to France when this is over?

That's all he said with Ochako who just laughed at his question making him tilt his head in confusion while Katsumi had a dumbfounded look on her face

'Katsumi:after what he just did....that's what he's asking...this guy is really strange'

Meanwhile we see Nezu just laughing seeing something that made him entertained

'Nezu:oh dear friend you're really going to make this school very interesting indeed'

Ok hope you guys enjoy stay safe stay healthy and peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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