The Offer

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By the time Ben arrived back at the Delightful Mansion, he had come up with a bevy of excuses and distractions to keep his word. He didn't want to talk about where he had been as it was, and if Hugh didn't ask, he wouldn't need to lie. He stepped inside the foyer and shrugged out of his coat, careful of the bags balanced in his arms.

But on his way to the kitchen, he could hear the soft sound of music playing. The wordless melody was familiar. He followed it through the dining room and past the doors to find Hugh toiling away, as he often was.

"Hugh Test." He groused, loud enough to be heard over the speaker.

Hugh immediately whirled to face him, eyes wide and hands tucked behind his back. "Ben! You're home… sooner than I expected." He smiled, though not free of guilt.

Ben raised an eyebrow at him. "Did we not agree that you would stay out of the kitchen until your arm healed?" He moved to set the bags down on the counter so he could hold out an expectant hand.

"It's been five days already…" Hugh insisted. "My arm is fine, let me work."

"Hand it over, Test."

Hugh's shoulders wilted and he reluctantly gave up the whisk he was holding. "You said I couldn't cook meals. You didn't say anything about dessert…" he pointed out, properly shamed.

"Honestly…" Ben rolled his eyes and moved to inspect the ingredients already in the bowl. "Sit down. I wanted to have a talk with you."

Hugh was openly pouting, but made his way to the island counter, sliding into one of the bar chairs. "What about?"

Ben hesitated and glanced back at him for a moment and found it much harder to speak with those big blue eyes watching so eagerly. He cleared his throat and turned back to what appeared to be batter for brownies.

"Why are you…?" he began, then shook his head, "Never mind. It's about your position here."

"... My job?" Hugh ventured carefully.

"Yes." Ben dumped the dry ingredients together and began to stir.

"You mean, the one you're not letting me do?" Hugh continued.

Ben gave him a baneful look. "Your point?"

"Just making sure we're on the same page…" Hugh's smile was innocent; deceptively so.

Ben stared for several more seconds before clearing his throat. "I've been considering your position here in my home for the past few days, and I've come to the conclusion that our arrangement is in need of some… adjustment," he went on as the wet ingredients were poured in.

"... Okay?" Hugh cocked his head. "Are you… firing me?"

"I might consider it if you keep interrupting me," Ben grumbled.

Hugh pursed his lips. "You can't do that."

"I can and I will." Ben gestured with the whisk. "I can do this myself."

Hugh scoffed, but leaned against the counter. "If that was true, what was the ad in the newspaper for?"

Ben paused, then finally turned to fix him with a glare. "Will you please let me finish?"

"Yes, Father," was the coy response.

Face flushing, Ben rolled his eyes but looked away again. "What I have been trying to say is that I want to offer you a raise. I've come to appreciate all that you do in the mansion, especially in the absence of it during your time off…"

There was no answer for long enough that Ben had to peer over his shoulder. Hugh was watching him, visibly puzzled.

"You should be fairly compensated, is what I'm saying," he continued, returning to the whisking. "So, I'll be increasing your pay once you return back to your usual schedule."

"Hm…" There was a quiet moment of consideration, and then: "No, thank you."

"What?!" Ben immediately whirled to face him. "What do you mean 'no, thank you?'"

"I mean I don't need it." Hugh answered, frowning. "I already don't know what I'm supposed to do with all the money you've given me."

Ben sputtered a little, then placed his hands on the counter. "It wasn't an offer, I'm telling you that's what's happening."

"You said it was an offer," Hugh countered. "And I do not accept."

"What reason could you possibly have to not want to accept it?" was Ben's incredulous response.

"I didn't take this job for money in the first place." Hugh replied, sitting back.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Why is 'no' never enough for you?" Hugh mused.

"People don't tell me no," Ben hissed. "I always get what I want."

"And what about what I want?"

"What do you want?" Ben couldn't help the frustration in his tone– the bewilderment. He didn't understand; even now, Hugh continued to somehow keep surprising him.

Hugh tapped a finger along his jaw as he looked away. "A garden," he replied after a while.

The embers of Ben's temper were doused by confusion. "A… garden?"

"In the Spring." Hugh smiled at him again. "A vegetable garden will take some time to start but there's plenty of space, and I'll be able to use what I grow for meals eventually." He slid out of his seat and wandered toward the fridge. "And… furniture for the yard. And the hedges are a little too high."

Dumbfounded, Ben watched him, unable to form words.

"Oh, and I was thinking about reorganizing the pantry… just to make sure that I'm using the space well. I've been meaning to, but I know how you can get about things moving around too much." Hugh grabbed a pair of eggs, then handed them to Ben who could still only gawk. "...You didn't put them in yet," he explained.

Ben blinked down at him, then sighed and rubbed his temple. "I don't understand any of that," he muttered, but he turned to crack the eggs into the batter all the same.

"I didn't get a chance to grab them–"

"Not the damned desserts, Hugh."

"Oh…" Hugh moved to lean on the counter beside him, watching him work. "Well… I guess what I'm saying is that all I really want is to stay here. With you."

Ben froze. He lifted his head to meet Hugh's eyes and was met with such a warm, bright grin.

"I thought I'd be happy chasing after some dream of being more than just a dad and a husband since I couldn't be those things anymore. It's all I wanted, really. And I am happy." Hugh was beaming. "I'm the happiest I've been in years."

Ben recalled, very suddenly, the image of the sun against a clear blue sky. His heart gave a hard thump.

"I just want to call this place home, if that's alright with you," Hugh said. "If you don't mind keeping me around–"

"Yes." The response was immediate and impulsive. Ben was unable to stop himself from reaching out to take Hugh's hands in both of his. "I want you to stay. As long as you'd like."

"Then I don't need anything else." Hugh's cheeks were colored a familiar shade of red and he leaned up on his toes, daring to place a kiss onto Ben's lips.

A rush of heat swept over him in that instant, and he balked, reaching down to try and pat out the flames and shadows suddenly curling up his arm.

"Careful…" he muttered, trying to sound stern.

But Hugh just chuckled and leaned in anyway, planting another on his cheek. "We'll be fine."

Despite his best efforts, Ben felt himself melting. He blew out a breath and tugged Hugh against by hooking a finger into the collar of his sweater.

"We'll see where it goes," he agreed.

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