The clinic

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"Alright sweetie now just close ur eyes and get real droopy so if you know who sees ya he'll think ur dead ok"? mangle ask me. She saw the hesitation i had and said trust me your safe with me if Freddy does come im the only animatronic that can walk on the ceiling". she said with a wink. "o ok promise you wont hyrt me Mangle". I said looking into her one eye. "Promise..... Oh and by the way sweetie whats your name"?? mangel said. "Oh im Josie". i replied. "and im Lotso". lotso said "Ahhhh, mangle screamed he can talk i thought he was just a toy"!!! We all laughed and giggled then mangle said "now, play dead now or he'll see you".

.....Meanwhile inside.....

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