Georgie Turns into a Car

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It hummed through Derry, the car of carnage. As it thundered through the sewers, Bill Denbrough felt a slight vibration beneath his acid-green crocs with Buddy Holly croc charms and it sent a chill through his thin frame. Kicking off his crocs, he stepped tentatively into his own home, as if he was a stranger who had snuck in. Never before had he felt so uneasy in a place that was so familiar to him.

He slunk up the stairs to his room in his slightly-too-big suit, and was suddenly filled with an all consuming urge to disturb the sanctity of his little brother's room, to rummage through his belongings and to feel like perhaps the tremendous loss may feel a little less tremendous. Bill entered his brother's room seeking answers and was merely left with more questions. It was dark, and Bill didn't dare turn on the overhead light,for fear that his father, who was sitting in an adirondack in the front yard, might notice that a light was on that hadn't been before. Bill elected to turn on a small bedside lamp. As soon as he did, his eyes went straight to a small album of photos that sat on Georgie's chair. Almost involuntarily, he walked toward it, fixated by the growing urge to see, to remember, and to escape. What he saw at first brought him no bliss. It was little Georgie's face, young, round, gentle, and Bill almost wept at the mere sight of it. Georgie's two front teeth were missing, and tears stung the corners of Bill's eyes thinking that they'd never grow back in.

"Oh, Juh-Georgie." He whispered to himself, his voice sounding shaky and far away.

A single tear rolled down the side of his nose, and then plopped unceremoniously onto the faded yellow paper of the album.

Bill never quite knew if it caused what then occurred to happen.

Georgie's eyes began to glow, almost penetrating the paper with their light. They seemed to burn through Bill's very soul. The little boy in the photograph began to change, his skin becoming metallic in quality, Nebula Blue 8X2 in hue, his face becoming rectangular...carlike. The little boy, who had loved Captain Kangaroo and Donald Duck on TV had morphed so gruesomely into what every man feared.

A Toyota Yaris.

"Nuh-No! Not a Y–yuh-yaris!!" Bill screamed as motor oil began to drip from behind the picture onto his fingers. He flung it across the room as the album began to moan in sadistic glee.

"Yes Bill, Yes a Yaris! We all park here, vroom-vroom!" The car that was not Georgie moaned blissfully.

"Guess what, Billy-boy?! YOU'LL PARK TOO! YOU'LL PARK TOO!"

Bill took in every horrifying detail of the car, its Nebula Blue 8X2 Metallic paint job, it's brilliant white headlights. As the car twirled and danced around the image, Bill shrieked. Its license plate was YB-42-053, but he realized in horror that they were...

Florida Plates. Oh, the horror.

Bill gave up on sneaking, he screamed as the car winked at him from the floor.

Can cars even do that?! Bill though as he panicked.

His father rushed into the room.

"What in tarnation, William?!"

"Dad!" Bill screeched. "The fuh-photo album is puh-puh-pissing motor oil and Georgie turned into a Toyota Yaris!"

"Bill, what the fuck are you even saying?"


His dad picked up the wet, greasy album and placed it back on the shelf. "I never cared for Toyota Yari and I never cared for you. Now stop being such an attention whore and MOURN YOUR BROTHERS DEATH DAMMIT!!"

Bill's dad flounced out of the room and into the oven, leaving Bill alone with his thoughts.

It (1990) but pennywise is a 2001 Toyota YarisWhere stories live. Discover now