Crawling King Snake

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Part 1/3

Emi screamed in pain, when Billy slapped her in the face, hard. Emi's eyes filled with tears. She tried to cover her face, but another slap was coming. Emi dropped herself to the kitchen floor, curled up and buried her face in her hands.

Billy was standing above her, disgusted, ordering her to stand up, fists raised. But she was a small woman, 5'1'', when he was six foot, weighting almost two hundred pounds. The match was not even.

Billy left the apartment, still fuming, got into his car and sped away. Emi curled tighter in the floor, weeping. They've had fights before, and Billy had slapped her, but not this hard. Maybe it was all her fault, Emi thought. Maybe she shouldn't keep raising her voice. It was the alcohol, not him. Billy was a sweet guy, she knew that. They've been together for almost three years and had their ups and downs. It'll get better, she thought.

But it didn't.


The next night Billy was sitting in a pub with his friend Kyle, who was about to leave.

"Come on dude, let's have one more", Billy begged.

"I've had enough", said Kyle. "Gotta go before the missus gets worried."

"You pussy", Billy said.

"I think you should also go home, Billy. Go to your sweet Japanese girlfriend."

"She'll wait."

Kyle stood up, put his hand on Billy's shoulder. "You don't deserve her, I'm serious, Billy."

"What do you mean?"

"You're treating her badly, just because she's too kind."

"Go fuck yourself, Kyle!"

"Yeah, I will. Good night, Billy."

"Fuck off."

What was all the hassle about anyway, Billy was thinking. He has always been a free spirit, doing what he wants, with whoever he wants. And Emi knew that. Yes, he's made promises to her, and broken every one of them, but it wasn't totally his fault. Faithfulness is not for him, and she knew that, known from day one. Billy was only loyal to Billy, period.

After three more beers and a couple of gin tonics Billy noticed a pretty brunette walking in. He took away his engagement ring and put in into his pocket. The brunette smiled at him. Billy was a good-looking, charming, confident man and he knew it.

Here we go, Billy thought to himself. You're the man!


Next week Billy and Emi had another fight at the breakfast table.

Emi was standing by the oven, Billy's phone in her hand. "Who's this woman you've been calling? Four calls in the early hours!"

Billy had a hangover and didn't want to listen. "So now you're going through my phone calls? Who the hell you think you are, miss detective?"

" I am your fiancé, Billy! That's who I am! Who is she?"

"She's someone from work. I had to call her... for business stuff..."

"You're a liar, Billy!"

Billy jumped up from the breakfast table and tried to attack her, but Emi ran to the bathroom and locked the door. 

"Go away, Billy!" she screamed.

Billy went to the garage and came back with a screwdriver. He screwed the bathroom door lock open and went in, enraged. Emi backed into the corner.

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