Fight Festival

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Note: Shasuryu is the chief of Green claw
Also M/S = Message spell

3rd POV

Cloud: I have been sent by The Great One! I declare death unto you! The Grest One has sent an army to destroy you! Nonetheless, time has been granted unto you, in order to allow you to mount a desperate albeit futile resistance! 8 days from this day, you shall be the second offering of death from among the Lizardmen tribes of this lake!

Zaryusu: The second?

Cloud: Offer your desperate resistance so that The Great One may sneering take delight! By no means forget, you have eight days!

And then the Cloud disappears

Night time

Chief priestess: We all saw those malevolent clouds, that was most likely 4th tier magic, control cloud
Shasuryu: 4th tier magic huh?
Chief priestess: It takes a truly powerful magic caster to caster such a spell, even I can only manage up to as high as 2nd tier magic, we should evacuate as soon as possible
Head warrior: Are you really suggesting that we run away without putting up a fight? That thing said we have eight days, we still have time let's see what the enemy does until then.

Zaryusu: Well between running and fighting I chose fighting.

Random 1: You are nothing but a lowly traveler Zaryusu, you are lucky to even be sitting here so shut your m-

Shasuryu slams his tail on the ground making a cracking sound
Which makes everyone gasp

Shasuryu: Anyone with knowledge is free to participate in this meeting understood? It would be unwise nit to listen to him.
Random 1: Cheif Shasuryu you shouldn't be giving him special treatment just because he's your brother.
Chief priestess: Failing to heed the words of the educated is an act of the foolish and prideful.
Chief warrior: "And no warrior would dare oppose the word of the person who holds frostpain" he says looking at an ice sword that Zaryusu had

The other lizards put their heads down and be quiet

Shasuryu: So why should we fight?
Zaryusu: Because we don't have a choice.
Chief priestess: Can we win?
Chief warrior: Of course we can!
Zaryusu: No we can't.

Everyone gasps

Zaryusu: Atleast if things continue to stay the same as they are now.
Head warrior: What are you talking about?
Zaryusu: I believe this foe is confident because they know of our lack of forces. If that is the case then we must do something that would catch them completely off guard. Now do you remember our most recent war?

Head warrior: Of course we do.
Head priestess: There's no way we could forget.

Zaryusu: This Marsh was once home to seven tribes but then a food shortage struck which made all the tribes compete for what little there was, until finally it turned into an all out war, in the end we won the war thanks to an alliance that we made.

Head warrior: Yes but what does that have to do with anything?

Zaryusu: That thing said that we would be the second meaning that they intend to destroy the tribes in an order.

Head warrior: So your suggesting that we join forces again? But is 8 days enough to make a powerful defense?

Zaryusu: Exactly.

Zaryusu: Brother we need to form an alliance with dragon tusk and red eye.

Head priestess: Dragon tusk now consists of the 2 tribes we defeated in the last war there can be no alliance.
Head warrior: And plus we don't have any interaction with Red Eye, honestly this seems impossible.
Shasuryu: A 5 tribes union Huh? Well I'm for it. Who will be the envoy to these 2 tribes?

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