1. Cigarettes

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Aven's POV :

I stepped outside onto the motel's roof, my blonde hair blowing in the slight breeze. I've done this many times before, but this time, it was different. I remember back when harry and I were on the back in Philadelphia. Something sparked that night up on the roof.

I reach into the pockets of my light black jacket and pull out my yellow lighter and a half-empty pack of cigarettes. Right as I try to light the cigarette, a strong gust of wind, on this slightly breezy day, blows out the flame. I try to light it for the second time, but as fate has it, the wind blew the flame out again. Frustrated, I throw the pack of cigarettes over the edge of the roof, falling the mere two stories. I hear a slight "ow" come from the ground, but I ignore it.

I close my eyes and try to think of the positives to this horrific job. All of a sudden, I feel something hit my arm. I open my eyes and see my pack of cigarettes lying next to me on the roof. I crawl to the edge of the roof, so close to falling off, when I see him.


He was standing there looking up at me.

"I think you dropped these" I heard Harry's deep voice say.

"I know" I respond back with a smirk.

"I didn't take you, the pretty miss perfect Aven Brooks as a litterer" Harry remarks.

I take the pack of cigarettes and hurl it at his head.

"Asshole" I murmured.

"I heard that" I hear Harry say. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my spot on the roof. I heard the lobby door slam shut, meaning harry went back inside.


A few minutes later I heard faint footsteps approach me from behind. I realized it was harry when I got a whiff of his cologne. He sat down next to me and reached into his pockets. He took out his lighter and a brand new pack of cigarettes.

After the cigarette was lit, he reached back into his pocket and pulled out my crushed box of cigarettes. He slowly hands the box to me, I take it from his bruised and cut hands. My cigarette finally lights on its own, the wind not getting in the way. Here we are sitting on the roof of this motel, watching the sun set and smoking cigarettes, as if there is no one else in the world but us.

~The End~

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