2. Flowers

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Aven's POV:
*This chapter is written after they start "Seeing" each other

I was sitting on the hotel bed, sorting through the pictures I took at last night's show. When I'm almost finished, I hear a knock at the door.

"Come i-"

I didn't even finish talking when Niall walks in the door.

"What if I was naked?!" I yell at him

"Nothin I haven't seen before, right?" He says with a smirk as I roll my eyes. "Anyways, I kinda had a fight with Louis about girls-"

"You can stop right there Niall. I don't want to hear about your girl of the day."

"It's not about that, just let me finish Av." He begs.

"Okkkkk fine"

"So Louis accused me of not treating girls with respect and I told him I do. He didn't believe me so I'm here to prove it."

I sit quietly on the bed until I fall back, dying with laughter.

"Aven, I'm being serious" Niall says with a small frown.

"Ok, ok. What do you have?" I say as I sit back up and stop laughing.

Niall runs back out into the hallway and comes running back into the room with flowers.

"Aww thank you Niall."

"You're welcome. Now could you go tal-"

"Yes, i'll go talk to Louis for you" I laugh.

"Thanks Av! I have to go now.... Byeeeeee" Niall says as he runs out the door.

I walk over to the coffee table where the vase is at and replace the plastic flowers with the orange and red flowers that Niall brought me. After that, I went and found Louis and told him about Niall's attempt. (He was not impressed) I head back to my room and finish looking through the pictures. When I finish, I lay my head down on the pillow and doze off.

I wake up to a slight knock at the door.

"Go away" I groan.

The door opens softly, disregarding my command, and Harry walks into the room.

"Oh. Sorry, it's just you. You can come in." I say with a sleepy smile.

"Well good afternoon sleepyhead. I brought you something." Harry says with a smile forming on his face.

"Mmm ok. I wanna see"

Out from behind his back, he pulls out a beautiful bouquet of yellow and white flowers.

"They're gorgeous Harry!" I say with a gasp as he hands me the flowers.

The flowers smell like a picnic, next to an old train track, with a single tree that you carve your initials into, and most importantly, they smell like sunshine.

"Here, I'll go put them in the vase for you" Harry says, taking the flowers.

"Oh wai-" I try to say as I remembered the flowers Niall gave me, but before I could explain, Harry cuts me off.

"Sucker, who gave you these flowers?" He says with a confused and slightly mad look.

"It was Niall. He was trying to win a bet with Louis or something" I tell him.

"Oh okay", he says, the worry washing off of his face.

"I guess that means you're all mine." Harry says, slipping the flowers into the already full vase.

I smirk back at him as he walks back over to the bed where I'm sitting. In a matter of seconds, Harry's lips are on mine, as we lay in the bed, our bodies mangled. We lay like this for a while just cuddling and kissing, and enjoying the little we have.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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